24. This was the stillest 24 July I Ever saw in Salt Lake City I draw Lumber most of the day
I went in the Evening to the grass Lot {[diary]} 6 M[iles]
~ Thursday to ~ Friday
25 & 26 I spent the time bingding wheat
~ Saturday
27. I bought Lumber & Received 5 Letters from J G Bleak, David &c
3rd I Attended conference O Pratt Prayed, W Woodruff
spoke 20 M[inutes], Oliver Snow 15 M[inutes], C W Penrose 30.
Afternoon J. F. Smith Prayed The Statistical Reports
were then read. O Pratt spoke 25 M[inutes] E Snow 38.
I spent the Evening with Br Thatcher & co
~ Sunday
4. sunday Met at 10 oclok C W Stanes prayed The
[Authorities] of the Church was then presented & sustained
24. [FIGURE] This was the stillest 24 July I Ever saw in
Salt Lake City I draw Lumber most of the day
I went in the Evening to the grass Lot {shorthand} 6 Miles
~ Thursday to ~ Friday
25 & 26 I spent the time binding wheat
~ Saturday
27. I bought Lumber & Received 5 Letters from
J G Bleak, David &c
3rd I Attended conference O Pratt Prayed, W Woodruff
spoke 20 Minutes, Oliver Snow 15 Minutes, C W Penrose 30.
Afternoon J. F. Smith Prayed The Statistical Reports
were then read. O Pratt spoke 25 Minutes E Snow 38.
I spent the Evening with Br Thatcher & co
~ Sunday
4. sunday Met at 10 oclok C W Stanes prayed The
Authorities of the Church was then presented & sustained
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," July 22, 1878 - August 4, 1878, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 23, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/ZVXw