we Met at 10 oclok for a 2 days Meeting prayer by Wm H Folsome
President George ^Teasdale^ called for the reports which were read
by John Piper W Woodruff spoke 58 Minuts O Hyde 38 M
Afternoon Wm H Folsome spoke 20 M, Canute Peterson
20 Minuts Ira Hinkley 8 W Woodruff 38 M. Spent the
Evening with the Priesthood in council
~ Sunday
21 I wrote 1 Letter to Phebe A Snow And Met at 10 oclok George Teasdale prayed E Snow spoke 55 Afternoon
Bishop Joel Grover prayed O Hyde spoke 61 M[inutes], then
George Teasdale presented the Authorities of the Church all
were sustained He spoke 25 M, & W. Woodruff 10 M.
we had a Meeting in the Evening and W Woodruff spoke
1 Hour in the Afternoon W Woodruff called upon the
people to pay their 50 cts monthly donation I agreed to pay
my monthly donation to that Temple I paid down $2 for
4 Months at the close of the Meeting the people came forward &
paid $47 on the 50 cts donation I spent the Evening in council
~ Monday
22 Took coach rode to York took cars rode to S L City 90.
I had a long talk with Brother Dusenbury
~ Tuesday
23 I received 4 letters 21 to 24. I wrote 1 Letter No 30. I
spent the night at the farm ^I Attended the council see council record^ ^6 M[iles]^
~ Wednesday
24 I returned to the city in a hard rain storm. I wrote 1 Letter No 31. I spent the day in council
~ Thursday
25 I received 1 Letter & wrote 1, 32 I spent the day in council
~ Friday
26. I went to the farm in the morning and returned 6 M[iles]
I took cars with Mrs Woodruff rode to Ogden had a long talk
with Mr Kellogg Took Utah Northern & rode to Brigham City
and spent the night with My Daughter Phebe 60 Miles
Oct 20, 1877
we Met at 10 oclok for a 2 days Meeting prayer by Wm H Folsome
President George called for the reports which were read
by John Piper W Woodruff spoke 58 Minuts O Hyde 38 Minutes
Afternoon Wm H Folsome spoke 20 Minutes, Canute Peterson
20 Minuts Ira Hinkley 8 W Woodruff 38 Minutes. Spent the
Evening with the Priesthood in council
~ Sunday
21 [FIGURE] I wrote 1 Letter to Phebe A Snow And Met at 10 oclok
George Teasdale Prayed E Snow spoke 55 Afternoon
Bishop Joel Grover prayed O Hyde spoke 61 Minutes, then
George Teasdale presented the Authorities of the Church all
were sustained He spoke 25 Minutes, & W. Woodruff 10 Minutes.
we had a Meeting in the Evening and W Woodruff spoke
1 Hour in the Afternoon W Woodruff called upon the
people to pay their 50 cts monthly donation I agreed to pay
by monthly donation to that Temple I paid down $2 for
4 Months at the close of the Meeting the people came forward &
paid $47 on the 50 cts donation I spent the Evening in council
~ Monday
22 Took coach rode to York took cars rode to S L City 90.
I had a long talk with Brother Dusenbury
~ Tuesday
23 [FIGURE] I received 4 letters 21 to 24. I wrote 1 Letter No 30. I
spent the night at the farm I Attended the council see council Record
~ Wednesday
24 I returned to the city in a hard rain storm. I wrote 1 Letter
[FIGURE] No 31. I spent the day in council
~ Thursday
25 FIGURES I received 1 Letter & wrote 1, 32 I spent the day in council
~ Friday
26. I went to the farm in the morning and Returned 6 Miles
I took cars with Mrs Woodruff Rode to Ogden had a long talk
with Mr Kellogg Took Utah Northern & rode to Brigham City
and spent the night with My Daughter Phebe 60 Miles
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," October 20, 1877 - October 26, 1877, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Oy6Y