from the consequences thereof a, And all rulers of
this Nation as well as other Nations will have to
give an account to the Judge of all the Earth for the
use they make of the power put into their hands
Virtue Exhalteth a Nation while sin is a reproach to
any people [Proverbs 14:34]. The question was asked the Hebrews
what God is there that is able to deliver you out of the
Hands of King Nebuchadnezzar A righteous answer
of faith was given. We do not know that our God will
deliver us out of your hands, But be it known unto the[e]
O King that we will not serve thy Gods, mor [nor] worship the golden
Image which thou hast set up [Daniel 3:15-18]. So say I as an Apostle
of the Lord Jesus Christ I will not desert my wifves
and my children, and Disobey the commandm[en]ts of
God for the sake of accomidating the public clammers of
a generation steeped in sin and ripened for the Dammation
of Hell I would rathr go to prision and to Death * ^see page^ 13
I wish in this testimony to say to the Jews to the Rothchilds, to Diserilla
and all rich Jews take your gold, and your silver from the hands
of the Gentiles and Buy Jerrusalem, and all the Holy land and all
the Land given to Abraham your great Progenitor. Go to and
rebuild your city Jerrusalem and Temple for your deliverance
is at the door. Gather together your Brethren the Jews from all the
Gentile Nations, for the fullness of the Gentiles has come in
And the Lord has decreed that the Jews shall be gathered from
all the Gentile Nations whether they have been driven into there
own land in fulfillment of the words of Moses your Law-
Giver And this ^is^ the will of your Great Eloheem And
from the consequences thereof a, And all Rulers of
this Nation as well as other Nations will have to
give an account to the Judge of all the Earth for the
Use they make of the power put into their hands
Virtue Exhalteth a Nation while sin is a reproach to
any People. The question was asked the Hebrews
what God is there that is able to deliver you out of the
Hands of King Nebuchadnezzar A righteous answer
of faith was given. We do not know that our God will
deliver us out of your hands, But be it known unto the
O King that we will not serve thy Gods, men worship the golden
Image which thou hast set up. So I say as an Apostle
of the Lord Jesus Christ I will not desert my wives
and my children, and Disobey the commandments of
God, for the sake of accomidating the public clammers of
a generation steeped in sin and Ripened for the Damnation
of Hell I would rathr go to prision and to Death * see page 13
I wish in this testimony to say to the Jews to the Rothchilds, to Diserilla
and all rich Jews take your gold, and your silver from the hands
of the Gentiles and Buy Jerrusalem, and all the Holy land and all
the Land given to Abraham your great Progenitor. Go to and
Rebuild your city Jerrusalem and Temple for your deliverance
is at the door. Gather together your Brethren the Jews from all the
Gentile Nations, for the fullness of the Gentiles has come in
And the Lord has decreed that the Jews shall be gathered from
all the Gentile Nations whether they have been driven into there
own land in fulfillment of the words of Moses your LawGiver And this the will of your Great Eloheem And
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," February 26, 1879, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025,