Sept 2nd 1878
& other parts of to visit
& family
to see if they can obtain the early History of the
Church in the hands of John Whitmer family
and to perform any other Acts that may be necs
asary upon this Mission. was
Mouth in Blessing & W Woodruff
in Blessing I received 3 letters
from &
September 3, 1878 ~ Tuesday
3rd A Rainy Morning I spent most of the day in the
I wrote 2 letters to & I spent
the night at the 6 M[iles]
September 4, 1878 ~ Wednesday
4. I Returned to the in a hard Rain storm and
spent most of the day in the
September 5, 1878 ~ Thursday
I wrote 3 letters to Mrs & to Bishop
& sent him a Deed to be recorded of 2 lots in
Cash County
September 6, 1878 ~ Friday
I received a letter from of
September 7, 1878 ~ Saturday
7. I spent the day at the stacking Barley and
cutting up corn 6 M[iles]
September 8, 1878 ~ Sunday
8 Sunday I attended Meeting in the
sope [spoke] one hour followed By I met in [blank]
September 9, 1878 ~ Monday to September 10, 1878 ~ Tuesday
9 & 10 I spent the 9 cutting up corn & at the field
the 10 I met with Board & not being a
Quorum Adjourned till to morrow
September 11, 1878 ~ Wednesday
11 Met at at 11 oclok held a Meeting
September 12, 1878 ~ Thursday
12 I gave Endowments to 42 WW sealed 5 cople
September 13, 1878 ~ Friday
13 gave Endowments to 31, WW ord[aine]d 3 Eldr & sealed 10 couple {[illegible shorthand] }
I wrote to & sent Deed to [Snowhouse?] for 4 lots
Sept 2nd 1878
& other parts of to visit
& family
to see if they can obtain the early History of the
Church in the hands of John Whitmer family
and to perform any other Acts that may be necs
asary upon this Mission. was
Mouth in Blessing & W Woodruff
in Blessing I received 3 letters
[FIGURE] from &
September 3, 1878 ~ Tuesday
3rd A Rainy Morning I spent most of the day in the
[FIGURE] I wrote 2 letters to & I spent
the night at the 6 Miles
September 4, 1878 ~ Wednesday
4. I Returned to the in a hard Rain storm and
spent most of the day in the
September 5, 1878 ~ Thursday
5. [FIGURE] I wrote 3 letters to Mrs & to Bishop
& sent him a Deed to be recorded of 2 lots in
Cash County
September 6, 1878 ~ Friday
6. [FIGURE] I received a letter from of
September 7, 1878 ~ Saturday
7. I spent the day at the stacking Barley and
cutting up corn 6 Miles
September 8, 1878 ~ Sunday
8 Sunday I attended Meeting in the
spoke one hour followed By I met in [blank]
September 9, 1878 ~ Monday to September 10, 1878 ~ Tuesday
9 & 10 I spent the 9 cutting up corn & at the field
the 10 I met with Board & not being a
Quorum Adjourned till to morrow
September 11, 1878 ~ Wednesday
11 Met at at 11 oclok held a Meeting
September 12, 1878 ~ Thursday
12 I gave Endowments to 42 WW sealed 5 cople
September 13, 1878 ~ Friday
13 gave Endowments to 31, WW ordained 3 Eldr & sealed 10 couple {3 illegible words}
[FIGURE] I wrote to & sent Deed to Snowhouse? for 4 lots