May 22nd 1873
I spent the day planting potatoes it has rained nearly Evry day
for 2 weeks & most of the time cold
~ Friday
23 It rained last night, & is raining to day. I returned to the city. I took cars with Mrs Woodruff & John Taylor, J F
Smith to go to Brigham City to hold a 2 days Meeting. Also D. H. WellsWm H Hooper & many others took the same cars to
go to Ogden to Meet with Speaker Blain & other Dignitaries
& accompany them to Salt Lake City. On our arival at Ogden
we spent about an hour at F. D. Richards then took cars to
to the Junction, then the Utah Northern to Brigham City I spent
the night with My Daughter Phebe A. Snow. Distance 60 M[iles]
~ Saturday
24. We Met in the Court House at 10 oclok opened Meeting By
singing & prayer By [blank]
25 Sunday Meeting opened By Prayer By L Farr W. Woodruff
spoke 61 Minutes, J. F Smith 32, Loren Farr 45, John Taylor
51 Minutes & J. C. Wright spoke 10 Minutes Meeting was then
Dismissed & we rode up to the Woollen Factory & went through
it. we then called upon Judge J. C. Wright & I called upon
Bishop Nichals, went through his orchard then called upon
Sister Albion & spent the night at the residence of Phebe A Snow
~ Monday
26 we took breakfast then rode in carriages to the Junction
then took cars to Ogden & on to Salt Lake 60 Miles I received 2 letters from Susan & Arroabella I attended
the school of the Prophets & spoke to the Assembly
May 22nd 1873
I spent the days planting potatoes it has rained nearly Evry day
for 2 weeks & most of the time cold
~ Friday
23 It rained last night, & is raining to day. I returned to the
City. I took cars with Mrs Woodruff & John Taylor, J F
Smith to go to Brigham City to hold a 2 days Meeting. Also
D. H. WellsWm H Hooper & many others took the same cars to
go to Ogden to Meet with speaker Blain & other Dignitaries
& accompany them to Salt Lake City. On our arival at Ogden
we spent about an hour at F. D. Richards then took cars to
to the Junction, then the Utah Northern to Brigham City I spent
the night with My Daughter Phebe A. Snow Distance 60 Miles
~ Saturday
24. We Met in the Court House at 10 oclok Opened Meeting By
singing & Prayer By [blank]
W. Woodruff spoke 46 Minuts, John Taylor 52 Minuts
Afternoon Prayer By Mathew W. DaltonJoseph F. Smith
spoke one hour & 25 Minuts John Taylor spoke 29 Minutes.
~ Sunday
25 Sunday Meeting opened By Prayer By L Farr W. Woodruff
spoke 61 Minuts, J. F Smith 32, Loren Farr 45, John Taylor
51 Minuts & J. C. Wright spoke 10 Minuts. Meeting was then
Dismissed & we rode up to the Woollen Factory & went through
it, we then called upon Judge J. C. Wright & I called upon
Bishop Nichals, went through his orchard then called upon
Sister Albion & spent the night, at the residence of Phebe A Snow
~ Monday
26 we took breakfast then rode in carriages to the Junction
then took cars to Ogden & on to Salt Lake 60 Miles
[FIGURE] I received 2 letters from Susan & Arabella I attended
the school of the Prophets & spoke to the Assembly
~ Tuesday
27. I spent the day at home writing & choring
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," May 22, 1873 - May 27, 1873, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,