Dec 10, 1876
Sunday Met at 10 oclok B Young spoke 50. ^Afternoon^ E Snow spoke 1 Hour & 7 M
W Woodruff spoke 35 Minuts. At the close of the Meeting we drove
to Solon Fosters and spent the night 10 M[iles]
~ Monday
^11th^ On our return to the city we found President Young vary poorly
with Rheumatic fever the pain in hise feet was so great he could
not hardly touch them to the floor we administered to him by the laying on of hands we consecrated 2 Bottels of oil we spent the Evening with him I received two letters from Br Dame an[d] Emma & 2 from Nelly and Asahel. Distance of the day 25 M
15 I spent the day in Reading Livingston's travels in Africa up
to the time of his death and to the final resting place of his body in
the West Minster Abbey in London. This History was quit interesting
~ Saturday
16. Rode to Harrisburgh and held a Meeting with the Saints. Stoped
with Br Daily. Met in the Evening. Prayer By W Woodruff B Young spoke
30 Minuts T. O. Angel 10 M, W Woodruff 45 Minuts. I spent the night
with Br MCMullin Distance 17 M
~ Sunday
17. Sunday we drove 3 Miles to Leeds and held a Meeting at
Br Alma Angels House at 10 oclok this settlement is surrounded
with a great Mining Camp of Gentiles Enough to overwhelm them
~ Sunday
Dec 10, 1876
Sunday Met at 10 oclok B Young spoke 50. Afternoon E Snow spoke 1 Hour & 7 Minutes
W Woodruff spoke 35 Minuts. At the close of the Meeting we drove
to Solon Fosters and spent the night 10 Miles
~ Monday
[FIGURE] 11th On our return to the city we found President Young vary poorly
with Rheumatic fever the pain in his feet was so great he could
not hardly touch them to the floor we administered to him by the
laying on of hands we consecrated 2 Bottels of Oil we spent the Evening
[FIGURE] with him I received two letters from Br Dame and Emma & 2 from
Nelly and Asahel. Distance of the day 25 Miles
15 I spent the day in Reading Livingston's travels in Africa up
to the time of his death and to the final resting place of his body in
the West Minster Abbey in London This History was quit interesting
~ Saturday
16. Rode to Harrisburgh and held a Meeting with the saints stoped
with Br Daily Met in the Evening. Prayer By W Woodruff B Young spoke
30 Minuts T. O. Angel 10 Minutes, W Woodruff 45 Minuts. I spent the night
with Br MCMullin Distance 17 Miles
~ Sunday
17. Sunday we drove 3 Miles to Leeds and held a Meeting at
Br Alma Angels House at 10 oclok this settlement is surrounded
with a great Mining Camp of Gentiles Enough to overwhelm them
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"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," December 10, 1876 - December 17, 1876, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025,