Feb 6, 1878
49 sealings, WW. 1, Adoptions 2, 29 children sealed to
Parents, 11 Received second Anointings WW Anointed 1.
~ Thursday
7 My Eyes are better this morning. I spent the day in the Temple
gave Endowments to 214. Ordaind 88 Elders wrote 1 Letter to H. S. Eldridge for a Barrel of Temple Oil, & wrote
1 to E. Snow about piping Engine Boiler &c. 1 Letter to Bishop Samuel Roskelley total 3. Sealed 81 couple Adopted 6, sealed
children to parents 12. WW adopted 2 & sealed 6 children I met
in the Evening with Samuel & Josiah Hardy and their
~ Friday
8. We gave their Endowments to 203 and Ordained 87
Elders sealed 82 couple, WW 1, & sealed 1 child, McA 8 total 9
9. I spent the day Reading & writing John W Young arived to night
~ Sunday
10 Sunday I spent the Afternoon in the TabernacleWm Fossett
prayed James A Little spoke 34 Minuts W Woodruff 15 M[inutes] John W Young spoke 30 M[inutes] gave a history of his Journey an
Account of the country I spoke in the Evening in the 4 ward
upon the first principles of the gospel
12 I received 3 letters from J JaquesWilford & Sarah
I spent most of the day with other Brethren in making a
stone wall on the outside of the dug way near Middleton so
that Teams could not run off. 6 Miles
There were 1582 Baptized in the Temple today the most of any day
for B. C. 5 [Heal day] 12/1594 Total 1594
Feb 6, 1878
49 sealings, WW. 1, Adoptions 2, 29 children sealed to
Parents, 11 Received second Anointings WW Anointed 1.
~ Thursday
7 My Eyes are better this morning. I spent the day in the Temple
gave Endowments to 214. Ordaind 88 Elders wrote 1 Letter
[FIGURE] to H. S. Eldridge for a Barrel of Temple Oil, & wrote
1 to E. Snow about piping Engine Boiler &c. 1 Letter to Bishop
Samuel Roskelley total 3. Sealed 81 couple Adopted 6, sealed
children to parents 12. WW adopted 2 & sealed 6 children I met
in the Evening with Samuel & Josiah Hardy and their
~ Friday
8. We gave their Endowments to 203 and Ordained 87
Elders sealed 82 couple, WW 1, & sealed 1 child, McA 8 total 9
9. I spent the day Reading & writing John W Young arived to night
~ Sunday
10 Sunday I spent the Afternoon in the TabernacleWm Fossett
prayed James A Little spoke 34 Minuts W Woodruff 15 Minutes
John W Young spoke 30 Minutes gave a history of his Journey an
Account of the country I spoke in the Evening in the 4 ward
upon the first principles of the gospel
12 [FIGURE] I received 3 letters from J JaquesWilford & Sarah
I spent most of the day with other Brethren in making a
stone wall on the outside of the dug way near Middleton so
that Teams could not run off. 6 Miles
There were 1582 Baptized in the Temple today the most of any day
for B. C. 5 Heal day 12/1594 Total 1594
"Journal (January 1, 1873 – February 7, 1880)," February 7, 1878 - February 12, 1878, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 8, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/86Kg