This is my Birth Day Also my wife Emmas I am 88 years of Age, & Emma is 57 years of Age. I am in the Enjoyment of Good
Health & sound Mind for which I thank God
my Heavenly Father.
Wilford Woodruff
Born March 1, 1807
Aged 88 years
This Day
Emma Woodruff
B[orn] March 1, 1838
Aged 57 years
Old This Day
We held a Birth Day Party in the Temple with
some 250 workers in the Temple & others it
included the Presidency of the Church, The Twelve
Apostles, seventies And the Leading Men of the [blank]
with many of the Aged Men & women Also the
Leading Bishops. This is the Last Meeting President Abraham Owen Smoot Ever Attended. He was quite
poorly returned home went to bed & died on the 6
of March I have been a member in the Church up to
his date 601 years and 2 Months
~ Friday
March 1, 1895
This is my Birth Day Also my wife
Emmas I am 88 years of Age, & Emma is
57 years of Age. I am in the Enjoyment of Good
Health & sound Mind for which I thank God
my Heavenly Father.
[FIGURE] Wilford Woodruff
Born March 1, 1807
Aged 88 years
This Day
[FIGURE] Emma Woodruff
Born March 1, 1838
Aged 57 years
Old This Day
We held a Birth Day Party in the Temple with
some 250 workers in the Temple & others it
included the Presidency of the Church, The Twelve
Apostles, seventies And the Leading Men of the [blank]
with many of the Aged Men & women Also the
Leading Bishops. This is the Last Meeting President
Abraham Owen Smoot Ever Attended. He was quite
poorly returned home went to bed & died on the 6
of March I have been a member in the Church up to
his date 61 years and 2 Months
Select a date to see more documents from that day.