April 6, 1893
I attended the Dedication of the Temple the spirit &
Power of God rested upon nus the spirit of Prophesy
& Revelation was upon us & the Hearts of the People were
Melted and many thing wer unfolded to us
We Met in the Afternoon at 2 oclk & we had a glorious time
W Woodruff & G Q Cannon & J F Smith occupied
most of the time W. Woodruff offered up the prayer
in the forenoon & G Q Cannon in the Afternoon
~ Friday
7 We held three Meeting in the Temple on the 7 April
forenoon Afternoon & Evening the Power of God was
with us. The first Presidency occupied most of the time
~ Saturday
8. We met in the Temple & held 2 Meeting forenoon
& Afternoon the Power of God was with us B Young
offered Prayer then the shout of Hosannah was offered
The presidency spoke by the power of God J F Smith spoke 11 M
~ Sunday
9. Sunday we held 2 meetings All of the Presidency spoke
The power of God was with us John Henry smith offered
Prayer in the forenoon & G Teasdale in the afternoon
~ Monday
10 Prayer offered By H. J. Grant, John Henry Smith
spoke 10 Minuts G Teasdale16 10 M W Woodruff 15 M G Q Cannon 10 M. Afternoon Prayer offered
By J. W. Taylor W Woodruff spoke a few Minuts
H J Grant spoke 7 M J W Taylor spoke 15 M,
W Woodruff spoke 10 M, G Q Cannon spoke 15 M J F Smith spoke 15 M.
~ Tuesday
11. Met at 10 oclok Prayer offered By F M Merrill
A shout of Hosannah is offerd at all the Meeting
April 6, 1893
I attended the Dedication of the Temple the spirit &
Power of God rested uponus the spirit of Prophesy
& Revelation was upon us & the Hearts of the People were
Melted and many thing wer unfolded to us
We Met in the Afternoon at 2 oclk & we had a glorious time
W Woodruff & G Q Cannon & J F Smith occupied
most of the time W. Woodruff offered up the prayer
in the forenoon & G Q Cannon in the Afternoon
~ Friday
7 We held three Meeting in the Temple on the 7 April
forenoon Afternoon & Evening the Power of God was
with us. The first Presidency occupied most of the time
~ Saturday
8. We met in the Temple & held 2 Meeting forenoon
& Afternoon the Power of God was with us B Young
offered Prayer then the shout of Hosannah was offered
The presidency spoke by the power of God J F Smith spoke 11 M
~ Sunday
9. Sunday we held 2 meetings All of the Presidency spoke
The power of God was with us John Henry smith offered
Prayer in the forenoon & G Teasdale in the afternoon
~ Monday
10 Prayer offered By H. J. Grant, John Henry Smith
spoke 10 Minuts G Teasdale 10 M W Woodruff 15 M
G Q Cannon 10 M. Afternoon Prayer offered
By J. W. Taylor W Woodruff spoke a few Minuts
H J Grant spoke 7 M J W Taylor spoke 15 M,
W Woodruff spoke 10 M, G Q Cannon spoke 15 M
J F Smith spoke 15 M.
~ Tuesday
11. Met at 10 oclok Prayer offered By F M Merrill
A shout of Hosannah is offerd at all the Meeting
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"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," April 7, 1893 - April 11, 1893, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/AMP9