3 I spent the day in the office Met with the Utah
Company Met at the Temple I gave Hugh
J Cannan 15 shares of Zions savings Bank
for security on the [blank] Bank making 30
shares as security upon that Bank in a few days
for $3000.
I signed a Note with Hugh Cannon for [blank]
on the [blank] Bank of the Republic
~ Saturday
5 I spent the Day at home at work on my Journals
for 1894
~ Sunday
6 Sunday I spent the day at home
~ Monday
7. I Met with Brother ^Orson^ Smith in the Morning gave me A
History of the work on our Mine in Nevada in putting
up the Stamp Mill thought it would be running soon
After the first of Feb He brought 2 gold Bricks from
a mine in the same line of ours, Hwith ownly one stamp
that produced some $500 dollars a Day with 2 stamps
our Mill was 10 stamps He was satisfied when the Mill
got to Running it would Help us to Pay our Debts I received a Letter from Asahel
~ Tuesday
8th I met with Wm W Cluff & gave him a Letter to the
People of Parawan & Cedar in the South
~ Tuesday to ~ Wednesday
Jan 1, 1895
The History of Jan 1 & 2 is on page 116
~ Thursday
3 I spent the day in the office Met with the Utah
Company Met at the Temple I gave Hugh
J Cannan 15 shares of Zions savings Bank
for security on the [blank] Bank making 30
shares as security upon that Bank in a few days
for $3000.
I signed a Note with Hugh Cannon for [blank]
on the [blank] Bank of the Republic
~ Saturday
5 I spent the Day at home at work on my Journals
for 1894
~ Sunday
6 Sunday I spent the day at home
~ Monday
7. I Met with Brother Orson Smith in the Morning gave me A
History of the work on our Mine in Nevada in putting
up the Stamp Mill thought it would be running soon
After the first of Feb He brought 2 gold Bricks from
a mine in the same line of ours,with ownly one stamp
that produced some $500 dollars a Day with 2 stamps
our Mill was 10 stamps He was satisfied when the Mill
got to Running it would Help us to Pay our Debts
[FIGURE] I received a Letter from Asahel
~ Tuesday
8th I met with Wm W Cluff & gave him a Letter to the
People of Parawan & Cedar in the South
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," January 1, 1895 - January 8, 1895, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 10, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/ojOB