June 24, 1894 Sunday Night [FIGURES] At the close of the 20 speeches made
President Wilford Woodruff arose and delivered the
following Address. Brethren & Sisters As President
of the church I have many Duties to Perform As have
these my councillers & the Apostles And I feel
impressed to make a Declaration unto you at this time
It is reppresented to us that there is about fourteen
hundred Millions of Human beings upon the Earth at the
present time And while I am strongly impressed
with the Principles of the Eternal truths of the Dealings
of the Dealings of God with the inhabitants of the
Earth in the Day and generation in which we live
I wish to Ask this Assembly a question. What Protection have this vast body of Human being to
Enable them to Escape those tremendious Judg-
ments which GOD has proclaimed shall come to
pass and be poured out upon the wicked in the
last days before the coming of the Son of Man
These Judgments are recorded in the Bible
the Revelations of St John, The Book of Mormon
& Doctrins & Covenants The men who made these
Declarations were Prophets, Apostles, & inspird Men
and spoke as they were moved upon by the Holy Ghost
And their word^s^ were true. I again ask what
Promise or Protection have those vast Millions to
Escape those tremendious Judgements which have
now commenced to visit the Earth. I will answer
June 24, 1894
Sunday Night
FIGURES At the close of the 20 speeches made
President Wilford Woodruff arose and delivered the
following Address. Brethren & Sisters As President
of the church I have many Duties to Perform As have
these my councillers & the Apostles And I feel
impressed to make a Declaration unto you at this time
It is represented to us that there is about fourteen
hundred Millions of Human beings upon the Earth at the
present time And while I am strongly impressed
with the Principles of the Eternal truths
of the Dealings of God with the inhabitants of the
Earth in the Day and generation in which we live
I wish to Ask this Assembly a question. WhatProtection have this vast body of Human being to
Enable them to Escape those tremendious Judgments which GOD has proclaimed shall come to
pass and be poured out upon the wicked in the
last days before the coming of the Son of Man
These Judgments are recorded in the Bible
the Revelations of St John, The Book of Mormon
& Doctrins & Covenants The men who made these
Declarations were Prophets, Apostles, & inspird Men
and spoke as they were moved upon by the Holy Ghost
And their words were true. I again ask what
Promise or Protection have those vast Millions to
Escape those tremendious Judgements which have
now commenced to visit the Earth. I will answer