June 24, 1894
The question for you. Wherever the Eternal
Everlasting and Holy Priesthood or its influence
Dwells there is Protection and salvation and
Nowhare Els. For the ritghts of the Priesthood are
inseparably connected with the Heavens and the Heavens
can ownly be controlled upon the principles of righteousness
The Lord Revealed to the Prophet
and said that Angels were standing in the Temple
in Heaven holding in their hands sharp sickles and crying
unto God dDay & night saying let us go down and
reap down the fields. But the Lord [said] unto them pluck not
up the tares while the Blade is yet tender Lest you
destroy the wheat also wait untill the wheat is gathered
and the tares bound in Bunddles then the field rem-
aineth to be burned [Doctrine and Covenants 86:6-7] I now bear testimony to this
Assembly that that day has come. These destroying
Angels are sent forth to visit the Earth and have
commencd to poor out the Judgments of God
upon the wicked and will continue untill the
scene is wound up and all fulfilled that God
has promised. Therefore Judgment awaits
the wicked. President followed and
bore his Testimony upon the same subject
See 86 section of D.C. 5 6 & 7 verses. W Woodruff
Also Testified that the Prophet Joseph sealed upon
the Heads of the Twelve Apostles All the Keys of the kingdom [of]
God that God had sealed upon him And commanded them
to bear off the Kingdom of God or they would be Damed
June 24, 1894
The question for you. Wherever the Eternal
Everlasting and Holy Priesthood or its influence
Dwells there is Protection and salvation and
Nowhare Els. For the rights of the Priesthood are
inseparably connected with the Heavens and the Heavens
can ownly be controlled upon the principles of righteousness
The Lord Revealed to the Prophet
and said that Angels were standing in the Temple
in Heaven holding in their hands sharp sickles and crying
unto GodDay & night saying let us go down and
reap down the fields. But the Lord said unto them pluck not
up the tares while the Blade is yet tender Lest you
destroy the wheat also wait untill the wheat is gathered
and the tares bound in Bundles then the field remaineth to be burned I now bear testimony to this
Assembly that that day has come. These destroying
Angels are sent forth to visit the Earth and have
commencd to poor out the Judgments of God
upon the wicked and will continue untill the
scene is wound up and all fulfilled that God
has promised. Therefore Judgment awaits
the wicked. President followed and
bore his Testimony upon the same subject
See 86 section of D.C. 5 6 & 7 verses. W Woodruff
Also Testified that the Prophet Joseph sealed upon
the Heads of the Twelve Apostles All the Keys of the kingdom of
God that God had sealed upon him And commanded them
to bear off the Kingdom of God or they would be Damed