Sept 9, 1893
In company with PrestCannon I went to the
Festive Hall arived at 11:30 aM R. C. Chambers
the Chairman of the Utah Commissioners Presided
over the Procedings. The Salt Lake Quire sang several
Peaces. Mr Chambers made some opening remarks
Gov West made the oration occupying about 25 M
and spoke vary well. W Woodruff spoke about
5 Minuts on the Pioneers of Utah President G Q
Cannon spoke abot 15 M. I spoke with a strong voi[c]e
and was listened to attentively so was the speech of
President Cannon I returned to the Utah building and
was introduced to several Gentlemen among the number
was Honore J. Jackson he had some Indian Blood in
him He was in the Canadian Rebellion He has sympathy
with all indians He believed in the Mormon History
towards the Indians
~ Sunday
10 I spent most of the day in riding through Lincoln
Park as spoke off on the 9. In the Evening I took up my
abode at Mrs Osgood House at Michigan Avenue
No 1628. we took our baggage there
~ Monday
11 I went to the Utah House & was taken quite
sick with the Cholary Morbus I returned to my Boarding
House & was sorely afflicted with Purging & vomiting
I was quite sick through the night
~ Tuesday
12 I was better this morning but kept my bed
most of the day was taken bad again in the night
~ Wednesday
13 I got some better to got up & Dressed G Q. C. visited me
Sept 9, 1893
In company with PrestCannon I went to the
Festive Hall arived at 11:30 aM R. C. Chambers
the Chairman of the Utah Commissioners Presided
over the Procedings. The Salt Lake Quire sang several
Peaces. Mr Chambers made some opening remarks
Gov West made the oration occupying about 25 M
and spoke vary well. W Woodruff spoke about
5 Minuts on the Pioneers of Utah President G Q
Cannon spoke abot 15 M. I spoke with a strong voice
and was listened to attentively so was the speech of
President Cannon I returned to the Utah building and
was introduced to several Gentlemen among the number
was Honore J. Jackson he had some Indian Blood in
him He was in the Canadian Rebellion He has sympathy
with all indians He believed in the Mormon History
towards the Indians
~ Sunday
10 I spent most of the day in riding through Lincoln
Park as spoke off on the 9. In the Evening I took up my
abode at Mrs Osgood House at Michigan Avenue
No 1628. we took our baggage there
~ Monday
11 I went to the Utah House & was taken quite
sick with the Cholary Morbus I returned to my Boarding
House & was sorely afflicted with Purging & vomiting
I was quite sick through the night
~ Tuesday
12 I was better this morning but kept my bed
most of the day was taken bad again in the night
~ Wednesday
13 I got some better to got up & Dressed G Q. C. visited me
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"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," September 10, 1893 - September 13, 1893, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,