Sept 8, 1893
I went to the Utah Building & Met with Gov West
& R C. Chambers Col Lett & C Crane & other citizens
we went to the Administration Building and we were
introduced to the National Committee The President
Ex Senator Palmer suspended Procedings during the
cerimon[y] Gov West made a nice speach to which the
Representative from Deleware made a vary happy resp-
onse I was requested to speak to them as a Pioneer
which I did in few words We then went to the
Festive Hall to Attend the contest of the fourQuires
of singers for the Prizes. The Salt Lake Quire did
splendid and made a fine appearance The first Prize
was given to the Searton Quire. The second Prize
was awarded to our Quire. I think without Doubt
that our Quire was the Best & should have had the first
Prize But the Quire that took the first Prize was Welsh
and the Welsh furnished the Money And it could
hardly be Expected that they would give it to a Mormon
Quire Though one of the Judges said the Salt Lake Quire
ought to have it In the Evening I Attended a reception
in the Utah Building I stood on my feet & shook hands
I think with several hundred person from the various
Nations of the Earth untill i was tiered out
~ Saturday
9. I took breakfast at the Burton Hall and went to
Festival Hall & Lincoln Park which covers
^{Sunday} 10^ 675 Acres it was beautifully adorned with flowers
Powns & Lawns we traveled 25 Miles
~ Friday
Sept 8, 1893
I went to the Utah Building & Met with Gov West
& R C. Chambers Col Lett & C Crane & other citizens
we went to the Administration Building and we were
introduced to the National Committee The President
Ex Senator Palmer suspended Procedings during the
cerimony Gov West made a nice speach to which the
Representative from Deleware made a vary happy response I was requested to speak to them as a Pioneer
which I did in few words We then went to the
Festive Hall to Attend the contest of the four Quires
of singers for the Prizes. The Salt Lake Quire did
splendid and made a fine appearance The first Prize
was given to the Searton Quire. The second Prize
was awarded to our Quire. I think without Doubt
that our Quire was the Best & should have had the first
Prize But the Quire that took the first Prize was Welsh
and the Welsh furnished the Money And it could
hardly be Expected that they would give it to a Mormon
Quire Though one of the Judges said the Salt Lake Quire
ought to have it In the Evening I Attended a reception
in the Utah Building I stood on my feet & shook hands
I think with several hundred person from the various
Nations of the Earth untill i was tiered out
~ Saturday
9. I took breakfast at the Burton Hall and went to
Festival Hall & Lincoln Park which covers
{{Sunday}} 10 675 Acres it was beautifully adorned with flowers
Powns & Lawns we traveled 25 Miles
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"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," September 8, 1893 - September 9, 1893, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,