This Silver Company was composed of about A
Dozen Govornors A Dozen Members of Congress
And most of them Eminent They spoke vary
highly of the Beauty of Salt Lake City & the
Accomodations they had received and Esspecially
the glory of the Tabernacle I wrote 2 letters & sent One to Owen & one to President Naegle & asked
him to Let Ow[e]n take a Journey of observation
through Europe with Dr Leslie Snow
In company with PheEmma I rode to Farmington
to Attend the 50 year golden wedding we met in a
large Hall which was full of People A single thing
took place William O Clark Married his Brother
50 years ago And for some cause He wanted
to perform the sameceremony again out of
curiosity I suppose which was done. Speeches were
made untill midnight 18 M[iles].
~ Sunday
19. I returned to Salt Lake & spent the day at home
~ Monday
20. I spent the day at the office Attending to Business
~ Tuesday
21. ^^ I received 2 letters from Owen to Father Mother & Blanche
I wrote a Letter to Owen, & sent him one from Emma
& Blanche I dined with senator Cullom at the Gordo House
~ Wednesday
22. I received a Letter from John Cutler & wrote him one
in return I was quite unwell during the Day Alma Pratt called upon me in the Evening
This Silver Company was composed of about A
Dozen Govornors A Dozen Members of Congress
And most of them Eminent They spoke vary
highly of the Beauty of Salt Lake City & the
Accomodations they had received and Esspecially
the glory of the Tabernacle I wrote 2 letters & sent
FIGURES One to Owen & one to President Naegle & asked
him to Let Owen take a Journey of observation
through Europe with Dr Leslie Snow
In company with Emma I rode to Farmington
to Attend the 50 year golden wedding we met in a
large Hall which was full of People A single thing
took place William O Clark Married his Brother
50 years ago And for some cause He wanted
to perform the sameceremony again out of
curiosity I suppose which was done. Speeches were
made untill midnight 18 Miles.
~ Sunday
19. I returned to Salt Lake & spent the day at home
~ Monday
20. I spent the day at the office Attending to Business
~ Tuesday
21. FIGURES I received 2 letters from Owen to Father Mother & Blanche
I wrote a Letter to Owen, & sent him one from Emma
& Blanche I dined with senator Cullom at the Gordo House
~ Wednesday
22. [FIGURE] I received a Letter from John Cutler & wrote him one
in return I was quite unwell during the Day Alma Pratt called upon me in the Evening
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1893 – April 1897)," May 17, 1895 - May 22, 1895, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025,