as soon as the Mail was opened I obtained Letters from John M Bernh[ise]l G A Smith & I. F. Carter. President Young got letters from J. M. Bernh[is]el
G. A. Smith John TaylorWm SmithW. I. ApplebyJ. L. Hawywood
& many others I went to his office & Herd D H Wells read till
half past 10 oclok we find the Nation in great confusion
& discord & a vary strong feeling against Utah our Delegates
have not yet presented our memorial to Congress & probably will
not this session the spirit & power of Darkness wickedness & abominations
are prevailing to a great extent throughout the Nations
President Young was at home through the day attending to the corresspondence
President Kimball & Grant was at home
~ Sunday
31st Sunday President Young Preached in the morning & prophesied
concerning the oposition of the gentiles to us {Said they could not drive us from these valleys} He
was still govornor & should be untill the Lord saw fit to remove him he spoke
by the spirit & power of God. Elder J. Clinton first spoke gave an
account of his mission & spoke well. He was followed by Elder Robbins
He told what he had done, then President Young followed him
In the Afternoon Amasa Lyman spoke was followed by Presidents Heber C. Kimball & J. M. Grant. I attended the prayer circle in the
evening. President Young went to Faremore Little's to administer to his sick wife
The roof of the Blacksmith shop was burned this morning in part
~ Monday
Sept 1st I spent the day in the office. President Young was in his office
looking over the News brought by the Calafornia Mail which
arived at 11 oclock to day J. M. Grant was About Holme also & H C
Kimball was at home. The Following is a copy of the Geneologo
of Phebe Whitmore Carter Now Phebe Woodruff
First Generation Daniel Carter born in Newburyport Mass The 2nd generation of Carters From England
2nd Ezra Carter born Feb. 1734
3rd Ezra Carter born March AD 1773
4th generation Phebe Whitmore Carter born March 8th 1807 Married to Wilford Woodruff April 13 1837
5 generation Sarah Emma Woodruff born at Scarborough Maine July 14th 1838
1st Generation Joseph Fabyan & Mary Bracket
2 [Generation] Joshua Fabyan Esq born March 1742 / Sarah Fabyan born April 8, 1750
3 [Generation] Sarah Fabyan born April 8th 1775 Married to Ezra Carter Oct 2nd 1797
4 [Generation] Phebe W Carter born March 8th 1807 Married April 13 1837
[FIGURE] as soon as the Mail was opened I obtained Letters from John M BernhiselG A Smith & I. F. Carter. President Young got letter from J. M. Bernhisel
G.A. Smith John TaylorWm SmithW. I. ApplebyJ. L. Haywood
& many others I went to his office & Herd D H Wells read till
half past 10 oclok we find the Nation in great confusion
& discord & a vary strong feeling against Utah our Delegats
have not yet presented our memorial to congress & probably will
not this session the spirit & power of Darkness wickedness & abominations
are prevailing to a great extent throughout the Nations
President Young was at home through the day attending to the corresspondence
President Kimball & Grant was at home
~ Sunday
31st Sunday President Young Preached in the morning & prophesied
concerning the oposition of the gentiles to us {Said they could not drive us from these valleys} He
was still govornor & should be untill the Lord saw fit to remove him he spoke
by the spirit & power of God. Elder J. Clinton first spoke gave an
account of his mission & spoke well He was followed by Elder Robbins
He told what he had done, then President Young followed him
In the Afternoon Amasa Lyman spoke was followed by Presidents
Heber C. Kimball & J. M. Grant. I attended the prayer Circle in the
evening President Young went to Feramore Littles to administer to his sick wife
The roof of the Blacksmith shop was burned this morning in part
~ Monday
Sept 1st I spent the day in the office President Young was in his office
looking over the News brought by the Calafornia Mail which
arived at 11 oclock to day J. M. Grant was About Home also & H C
Kimball was at home. The Following is a Copy of the Geneologo
of Phebe Whitmore Carter Now Phebe Woodruff
1st Generation Joseph Fabyan & Mary Bracket
2 " " Generation Joshua Fabyan Esq born March 1742/Sarah Fabyan born April 8, 1750
3 " " Sarah Fabyan born April 8th 1775 Married to Ezra Carter Oct 2nd 1797
4 " " Phebe W Carter born March 8th 1807 Married April 13 1837
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," August 28, 1856 - September 1, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025,