Monday I met with the Legislative council most of the time in the
Joint sess[i]on resolutions were offerd upon the merits of the Govornors
Message which resolutions were like a Declaration of independance
against wicked and ungodly men this drew speeches from John Taylor G. A. Smith W. Woodruff O. Hyde, H. Stout, Bishop RowberryJ. C. Litle W W Phelps &c many interesting remarks were made G A. Smith
said it was a grave question before us and one of vast import
if we carry out these resolutions we may prepare our necks
for the Halter if our Enemies catch us I am in for the measure
because it is right the United States are determined to destroy
the Mormons if it is in their power but we have to defend our-
selves. In the remarks which I made I said I did not think
their ever was an Assembly of men on Earth that deliberated
upon so weighty a subject upon which hung such important
consequences with the same feeling which pervades the boso-
ms of this assembly, for all that we possess in this life inclu-
ding all our lives are couched in this important subject yet
evry mind is calm and serene and not a disenting vote or
voice, why is this, when Our Fathers sat in solumn
convention upon the subject of our Declaration of Independance
they knew well that their cause was just, yet it required
the strongest talent and argument and language was exhausted
to bring that august body of senators to agree as a unit
in putting their names to that sacred instrument; ^the^ speech
of Sir Patrick Henry was a masterly Effort of talent
& oritory upon that solumn occasion. It does not require
any argument with this body of men to convince them what
course to persue, what causes this difference they were
inspired by the Lord to step forth to esstablish an
Independant Government in America, but this body of
Men are far more inspired by the same God to esstablish
the Kingdom of God upon the Earth and lay a foundation
for the Liberty and salvation of our children and to
lift up a standard for the oppressed of all nations
Our path is marked out as plain asto our view as is our broad
street or the missippii River to the natural Eye. The same God
who inspired our Fathers to esstablish a Free government
said through the prophet Joseph Smith that if ever the Constitu-
tion of the United States or its principles were ever preserved
it would have to be done by the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints even the servants of God Holding the Holy
priesthood. that day has now come & the day is dawning when
we are called to act the same God who has destroyed two
Nations who have dwelt upon this continent because of
their iniquity, has also said that all other Nations who
should occupy this continant when they were ripened in
iniquity should in like manner be cut off from the Earth
and not left to pollute the Land of Joseph, or the Land of
Zion I do not know what Els our Nation can do in order
in order to fill up their cup of iniquity than what they
have done and are doing. I do not know of any other key
the United States can turn to seal fast their condemnation
than the exertions which they are makeing to destroy the Saints
of God for their religion I am in For the measure because it is right
~ Monday
Dec 21st
Monday I met with the Legislative council most of the time in the
Joint session. Resolutions were offerd upon the merits of the Govornors
Message which resolutions were like a Declaration of independance
against wicked and ungodly men this drew speeches from John TaylorG. A. Smith W. Woodruff O. Hyde, H. Stout, Bishop RowberryJ. C. LitleW W Phelps &c many interesting remarks were made G A. Smith
said it was a grave question before us and one of vast import
if we carry out these resolutions we may prepare our necks
for the Halter if our Enemies catch us I am in for the measure
because it is right the United States are determined to destroy
the Mormons if it is in their power but we have to defend ourselves. In the remarks which I made I said I did not think
their ever was an Assembly of men on Earth that deliberated
upon so weighty a subject upon which hung such important
consequences with the same feeling which pervades the bosoms of this assembly. for all that we possess in this life including all our lives are couched in this important subjet yet
evry mind is calm and serene and not a disenting vote or
voice, why is this, when Our Fathers set in solumn
convention upon the subject of our Declaration of Independance
they knew well that their cause was just, yet it required
the strongest talent and argumet and language was exherted
to bring that august body of senators to agree as a unit
in putting their names to that sacred instrument; the speech
of sir Patrick Henry was a masterly Effort of talent
& oritory upon that solumn occasion. It does not require
any argument with this body of men to convince them what
course to persue, what causes this difference they were
inspired by the Lord to step forth to esstablish an
Independant Government in America, but this body of
Men are far more inspired by the same God to esstablish
the Kingdom of God upon the Earth and lay a foundation
for the Liberty and salvation of our children and to
lift up a standard for the oppressed of all nations
Our path is marked out as plainto our view as is our broad
street or the missippi River to the natural Eye. The same God
who inspired our Fathers to esstablish a Free government
said through the prophet Joseph Smith that if ever the constitution of the United States or its principles were ever preserved
it would have to be done by the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints even the servants of God Holding the Holy
priesthood. that day has now come & the day is dawning when
we are called to act the same God who has destroyed two
Nations who have dwelt upon this continent because of
their iniquity, has also said that all other Nations who
should occupy this continant when they were ripened in
iniquity should in like manner be cut off from the earth
and not left to pollute the Land of Joseph or the Land of
Zion I do not know what Els our Nation can do in order
in order to fill up their cup of iniquity than what they
have done and are doing. I do not know of any other key
the United States can turn to seal fast their condemnation
than the Exertions which they are makeing to destroy the saints
of God for their religion I am in For the measure because it is right
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," December 21, 1857, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed November 28, 2024,