wisth water some person had raised the gate & let the whole
stream of water run onto my field of wheat & flooded
it like a lake for 2 days & nights which damaged it much
my corn & sugar cane is up well all my crops look well
except whare it was damaged by flooding
two hundred U. S. Draggoons returned from Origon
& went into the South East part of the city & turned all
their animals into a 10 acre lot of wheat belonging
to John Vancott. he went & politely invited them to
take their Horses out & they arested him & kept him
a prisioner all night he was taken out of their hands
in the morning. Governor Cummings made his protest
against it He told Vancott to make out his Bill & send
it to Col Johnson & if he would not pay it He would
write to the department at Washington. The military
power do not regard the rights of the citizens in this
country. G. A. Smith returned from Provo at 11 oclok P.M.
^14th^ I set out about 100 cabages from Stanes this morning
I have a vary fine bed of Kew Garden strawbury raised
from the seed by Wm Stanes they show the Best of any in
the Territory & worth cultivation they are of the Alpine
strawbury I spent most of the day in the office Judge Eckells
arived in this city to day
~ Wednesday
15th I picked about 1 pint of my best strawburies & took to
President Young He liked them much. Brother Staines
& Edward Sayers called to see my bed of strawburies
Mr Sayers thought they were the ownly strawburies
He had seen in this Territory worth cultivating I
accompanied President Young onto the top of his house
& with glasses viewed the country The Jordon was vary
high & the roads all around us are nearly impassable
the water in all the streams are much higher than they
have been for many years The Probate court of G. S. L.
Citiy commenced its regular session on Monday the
13th is in session to day. The case of Gibson for murdering Johnson was to be brought before the Probate court for trial
But the U. S. district Attorney Wilson is to take up the case
& argue the Jurisdiction of the probate court in criminal
cases. A young man From Grantsvill attempted to kill Charles White in Front of my house I stoped them Fighting
~ Thursday
16th I resurrected some records which had been laid
away for safe keeping. I spent the day in the office, it is
vary warm The Probate court in session today Elias
Smith Presiding
~ Friday
17th I budded a few 20 ounce Apples to day it is vary warm
I spent the day in the office we had our lessoss [lessons] at 5 oclok on
the deseret Alphabet President Young came in at 6 oclok
soon Hosea Stout came & said he had been with Judge Eckles he had been with the other Judges in council the
other two Judges was disposed to try to set asid last winter
procedings of the Legislature, while Eckles contended that
June 13th
with water some person had raised the gate & let the whole
stream of water run onto my field of wheat & flooded
it like a lake for 2 days & nights which damaged it much
my corn & sugar cane is up well all my crops look well
except whare it was damaged by flooding
two hundred U.S. Draggoons returned from Origon
& went into the South East part of the City & turned all
their animals into a 10 acre lot of wheat belonging
to John Vancott. he went & politely invited them to
take their Horses out & they arested him & kept him
a prisioner all night he was taken out of their hands
in the morning. Governor Cummings made his protest
against it He told Vancott to make out his Bill & send
it to Col Johnson & if he would not pay it He would
write to the department at Washington. The military
power do not regard the rights of the citizens in this
country. G. A. Smith returned from Provo at 11 oclok P.M.
Elder L Snow returned to Box Elder took Phebe with him
~ Tuesday
I set out about 100 cabages from Stanes this morning
I have a vary fine bed of kew Garden Strawbury raised
from the seed by Wm Stanes they show the Best of any in
the Territory & worth cultivation they are of the Alpine
Strawbury I spent most of the day in the office Judge Eckells
arived in this City to day
~ Wednesday
15th I picked about 1 pint of my best strawburies & took to
President Young He liked them much, Brother Staines
& Edward Sayers called to see my bed of strawburies
Mr Sayers thought they were the ownly strawburies
He had seen in this Territory worth cultivating I
accompanied President Young onto the top of his house
& with glasses viewed the country The Jordon was vary
high & the roads all around us are nearly impassable
the water in all the streams are much higher than they
have been for many years The Probate Court of G.S.L.
Citiy commenced its regular session on Monday the
13th is in session to day. The case of Gibson for murdering
Johnson was to be brought before the Probate Court for trial
But the U.S. district Attorney Wilson is to take up the case
& argue the Jurisdiction of the probate Court in criminal
cases. A young man From Grantsvill attempted to kill
Charles White in Front of my house I stoped them Fighting
~ Thursday
16th I resurrected some Records which had been laid
away for safe keeping. I spent the day in the office, it is
vary warm The Probate Court in session today Elias
Smith Presiding
~ Friday
17th I budded a few 20 ounce Apples to day it is vary warm
I spent the day in the office we had our lessons at 5 oclok on
the deseret Alphabet President Young came in at 6 oclok
soon Hosea Stout came & said he had been with Judge
Eckles he had been with the other Judges in council the
other two Judges was disposed to try to set asid last winter
procedings of the Legislature, while Eckles contended that
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," June 13, 1859 - June 17, 1859, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 1, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/O7Lp