I am vary poorly this morning yet I went to the office of
President Young. An express had Just arived Bringing a long
Letter to Govornor Young from Col Allexander concerning the
present state of affairs also a letter from General Wells. the Breth-
ren had taken a heard of cattle of some 700 head & were bringing
them in. It was reported in the Army that Col Johnson would
soon be up with 700 cavelry but this is uncertain. Col Allexander
letter was rather savey threatened us with Extermination if we
opposed him He considered himself able to come in & carry out
the commands of Government Governor Young sent him a
strong answer asking him why he staid in camp on hams Fork
for a month if he considered he had force enough to carry out his orders
He gave him to understand that it was now the kingdom of God & the
kingdom of the Devil & we trusted in God for success & should go ahead In turning from this subject to little children President Young
said when some people have little children born at 6 & 7 months from
pregnancy & they live a few hours then die they bless them name
them & c but I dont do it for I think that such a spirit has
not a fair chance for I think that such a spirit will have a chance
of occupiying another Tabernacle and develop itself this is new doctrin
yet it looks consistant what period of Demarkation or age the
spirit would take another Body we were not informed
I received a letter from G. A. Smith & sent one to him
~ Saturday
17th I spent the day in the office I was sum better than yesterday
I had a lengthy conversation with A. Lyman about the war Luke
Johnson arived from Echo canyon to day. The Brethren took 700
Head of cattle from the Army while they were marching.
I married & sealed Matthias Cowley & Sarah Elizabeth 18thFoss at the Altar in the Bonds of matrimony at half past
7 oclock P.M. we had a strong wind during the evening.
~ Sunday
18th Sunday we met in the Tabernacle President Young had all
his correspondance with Col Allexander of the U. S. Armey read to
the Assemble it was vary rich and Edifying President Young
than preached to the Assembly in a vary Edifying manner
all of which was reported He said He should prepare for the
worst He should have grain cashed whare the Enemy could not
find it & be prepared to move into the mountains & burn all
yet He believed we could keep our enemies out & still raise
crops in the valley. He was followed by Brother Kimball who
said that He knew that if we would Harken to council that we
should raise grain, oat peaches & Apples & live in our Houses in these
vallies untill we went to Jackson County President Young said
I believe it. I attended the prayer meeting in the evening. O P. Roc-
kwell & Dunbar arived about [blank] oclock reported that there
would be 700 Head of cattle in in 2 days nothing decisive yet in
relation to the army He said some of the Brethren were to ventersome
and in danger of looseing their lives He said one deserter
informed him that the army were ownly fed on Quarter rations
the army are nearly starving to death. Orders were given to Hail
onc[e] and then fire and in trying to carry out the order they
shot an ox they said Bridger & Mogo was in their camp
~ Friday
Oct 16th
I am vary poorly this morning yet I went to the office of
President Young. An express had Just arived Bringing a long
Letter to Govornor Young from Col Allexander concerning the
present state of affairs also a letter from General Wells. the Brethren had taken a heard of cattle of some 700 head & were bringing
them in. It was reported in the Army that Col Johnson would
soon be up with 700 cavelry but this is uncertain. Col Allexander
letter was rather savey threatened us with Extermination if we
opposed him He Considered himself able to come in & carry out
the commands of Government. Governor Young sent him a
strong answer asking him why he staid in camp on hams Fork
for a month if he considered he had force enough to carry out his orders
He gave him to understand that it was now the kingdom of God & the
kingdom of the Devil & we trusted in God for success & should go ahead
[FIGURE] In turning from this subject to little children President Young
said when some people have little children born at 6 & 7 months from
pregnancy & they live a few hours then die they bless them name
them & c but I dont do it for I think that such a spirit has
not a fair chance for I think that such a spirit will have a chance
of occupying another Tabernacle and develop itself this is new doctrin
yet it looks consistant what period of Demarkation or age the
spirit would take another Body we were not informed [FIGURE]
[FIGURE] I received a letter from G. A. Smith & sent one to him
~ Saturday
17th I spent the day in the office I was sum better than yesterday
I had a lengthy conversation with A. Lyman about the war Luke
Johnson arived from Echo canyon to day. The Brethren took 700
Head of Cattle from the Army while they were marching.
I married & sealed Matthias Cowley & Sarah ElizabeththFoss at the Altar in the Bonds of matrimony at half past
7 oclock P.M. we had a strong wind during the evening.
~ Sunday
18th Sunday [FIGURE] we met in the Tabernacle President Young had all
his Correspondance with Col Allexander of the U.S. Armey read to
the Assemble It was vary rich and Edifying President Young
than preached to the Assembly in a vary Edifying manner
all of which was reported He said He should prepare for the
worst He should have grain cashed whare the Enemy could not
find it & be prepared to move into the mountains & burn all
yet He believed we could keep our Enemies out & still raise
Crops in the valley. He was followed by Brother Kimball who
said that He knew that if we would Harken to council that we
should raise grain, oat peaches & Apples & live in our Houses in these
vallies untill we went to Jackson County President Young said
I believe it. I attended the prayer meeting in the evening. O P Rockwell & Dunbar arived about [blank] oclok reported that there
would be 700 Head of cattle in in 2 days nothing decisive yet in
relation to the army He said some of the Brethren were ventersome
and in danger of looseing their lives He said one deserter
informed him that the army were ownly fed on Quarter rations
the army are nearly starving to death. Orders were given to Hail
once and then fire and in trying to carry out that order they
shot an ox they said Bridger & Mogo was in their Camp
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 16, 1857 - October 18, 1857, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/WnWv