15th I spent the day in the office on President Youngs History Joseph Young
spent a part of the day with us we received word that President Young
was quite sick. Brother Sprague was sent for & the whole company was
returning they all arived home about 7 oclok
~ Thursday
16th In company with President Kimball I visited President B Young. We found him feeble but much recoverd the
sickness had mostly left President Young as soon as he came
over the big mountain this way. There seemed to be sumthing
mysterious about his sickness he was taken vary severe in
the evening of the 14th with pain in the kidneys & bowels & he
nearly fainted away. EPresidents Kimball & Grantadministered
unto him & prayed for him & he began to recover the brethren
felt that the valley was full of Devils, they had to go onto the mount
ain before they could get the spirit of prayer they felt that
there was a Legion of Devils in the valley congregated ag[ain]st
them & trying to destroy them they felt also that there was
evil intended against them on the road & that they should
leave the valley & return home they hitched up their Horses
in the morning & started for home & the nearer they drew to
the city the better they felt. Brother Kimball & myself
called upon Sister Fanny Young a short time in speaking
of her history she said she had been alone a good deal
through life & she did not wish to have a history of her
life published she did not wish any one to have her
likeness neither after she was dead.
I attended meeting at the 14 ward during the evening there 17were present J. M. Grant F. D. Richards W Woodruff &
Bishop Hoagland & his councellors. J. M. Grant preached
in the power of God he is a quiver in the hands of the
Almight[y] among the people. He took up Bishop Hoagland & his
two councellors then the Teachers then the 14 ward & all the
people in it & looked at them with the Light of truth &
the candle of the Lord & the whole body was searched with
a scrutinizing Eye & all sins rebuked by the power of God
He left as soon as he got through speaking was followed by
Elder F. D. Richards who bore testimony to the words which
had been spoken. He was followed by W. Woodruff who also
bore a strong testimony & the spirit of God was upon the
people. Phineas Richards made a few remarks after Bishop
Hoagland had spoaken in the spirit of God, then the meeting closed
~ Friday
17th I went down in the fore noon into the big field I
found my ditch fence had some of it dug down by boys &
they were burning up poles & stakes. I spent the afternoon
in the office I called upon President Grante. He preached the
funeral sermon of a Brother Merrill who had died 18 years of age
lived on Big Conttonwood
~ Saturday
18th I have taken cold & am vary sore I spent the day in the office
President Young has recovered from his illness
~ Wednesday
15th I spent the day in the office on President Youngs History Joseph Young
spent a part of the day with us we received word that President Young
was quite sick. Brother Sprague was sent for & the whole company was
returning they all arived home about 7 oclok
~ Thursday
16th [FIGURE] In company with President Kimball I visited president
B Young We found him feeble but much recoverd the
sickness had mostly left President Young as soon as he came
over the big mountain this way. There seemed to be sumthing
mysterious about his sickness he was taken vary severe in
the evening of the 14th with pain in the kidneys & bowels & he
nearly fainted away. Presidents Kimball & Grant administered
unto him & prayed for him & he began to recover the brethren
felt that the valley was full of Devils, they had to go onto the mount
ain before they could get the spirit of prayer they felt that
there was a Legion of Devils in the valley congregated against
them & trying to destroy them they felt also that there was
evil intended against them on the road & that they should
leave the valley & return home they hitched up their Horses
in the morning & started for home & the nearer they drew to
the City the better they felt. Brother Kimball & myself
called upon Sister Fanny Young a short time in speaking
of her history she said she had been alone a good deal
through life & she did not wish to have a history of her
life published she did not wish any one to have her
likeness neither after she was dead.
I attended meeting at the 14 ward during the evening there
were present J. M. Grant F. D. Richards W Woodruff &
Bishop Hoagland & his Councellors. J. M. Grant preached
in the power of God he is a quiver in the hands of the
Almighty among the people He took up Bishop Hoagland & his
two councellors then the Teachers then the 14 ward & all the
people in it & looked at them with the Light of truth &
the Candle of the Lord & the whole body was searched with
a scrutinizing Eye & all sins rebuked by the power of God
He left as soon as he got through speaking was followed by
Elder F. D. Richards who bore testimony to the words which
had been spoken. He was followed by W. Woodruff who also
bore a strong testimony & the spirit of God was upon the
people. Phineas Richards made a few remarks after Bishop
Hoagland had spoaken in the spirit of God, then the meeting closed
~ Friday
17th I went down in the fore noon into the big field I
found my ditch fence had some of it dug down by boys &
they were burning up poles & stakes. I spent the afternoon
in the office I called upon President Grant He preached the
funeral sermon of a Brother Merrill who had died 18 years of age
lived on Big Cottonwood
~ Saturday
18th I have taken cold & am vary sore I spent the day in the office
President Young has recovered from his illness
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 15, 1856 - October 18, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 24, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/xGLr