& shall be an active assistance unto Bishop Hunter in gathering the
Tithing of the people that the Temples of our God may be built &
his works carried on. Let your heart be comforted you shall be
blessed with evry hgood thing your heart shall desire & your heart
words areshall be like a two Edged sword among the people & we seal
you up unto Eternal Life & no man shall take your crown we
seal all these Blessings upon your head in the name of Jesus Christ Amen J. C Little was then ordained unto the office of a Bishop & the ^2nd^ councellor
to Bishop Edward Hunter the following is a synopsis of the Blessing
Brother Jesse C [blank] Little In the name of Jesus Christ ofwe lay our
hands upon your head & we ordain you to be a Bishop & a second
councellor unto Bishop Edward Hunter in the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints & we seal upon your head all the blessings appertai[ning]
the Bishopprick & we pray God to Let the Holy Ghost rest upon you &
we say it shall rest upon you at this time & you shall live long upon the
Earth & stand by thy Brethren untill death even with thy brethren whose
hands are upon thy head & be with them both in time & in Eternity
you shall have visions Dreams & the spirit of Prophesy & thou shalt
shalt have the gift of disernment to know the harts of the children
of men & we seal these blessings upon you & seal you up unto Eternal Life
in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen
I Attended meeting in the 14th ward school House & herd Elders Wm W. PhelpsJ. Vancott & B L Clapp preach they had the spirit
of the Lord & spoke well I followed them. The spirit of the Lord was
upon me I warned the people to repent of all their sins & turn unto God
from this hour to set their houses in order & evry man woman & child
fill their place & do their duty that the spirit & power of God might
rest upon them. I was followed by Bishop HunterHoagland who had the
spirit of the Lord upon him we had a good Meeting
President Kimball remarked that it was no use to baptize the people 13th Monday untill they had made restitutions to those whom they had
injured. He also said that the men who had been to work for him He
had given $1.50 cts per day & they were dissatisfied & went away to provo
whare they said they could get $2 per day. Elder F. D. Richards said
that he had found the people more ready to carry out the principles
of this kingdom who had been taught it in the English Language than
those who ownly understood the Welsh & other Languages. It has
seemed like speaking through a quill to the Welsh Churches all the time
I had a meeting with my family I had a good time I confessed my
own faults & told my families theirs exhorted them to take my council they
covenanted to do so the spirit of the Lord was with me at the close
of my family meeting I went down to the Elders meeting & herd them
speak for a short time
& shall be an active assistance unto Bishop Hunter in gathering the
Tithing of the people that the Temples of our God may be built &
his works carried on. Let your heart be comforted you shall be
blessed with evrygood thing your heart shall desire & your
words shall be like a two Edged sword among the people & we seal
you up unto Eternal Life & no man shall take your Crown we
seal all these Blessings upon your head in the name of Jesus Christ Amen
J. C Little was then ordained unto the office of a Bishop & the 2nd Councellor
to Bishop Edward Hunter the following is a synopsis of the Blessing
Brother Jesse C [blank] Little In the name of Jesus Christ we lay our
hands upon your head & we ordain you to be a Bishop & a second
Councellor unto Bishop Edward Hunter in the Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints & we seal upon your head all the blessings appertaining
the Bishopprick & we pray God to Let the Holy Ghost rest upon you &
we say it shall rest upon you at this time & you shall live long upon the
Earth & stand by thy Brethren untill death even with thy brethren whose
hands are upon thy head & be with them both in time & in Eternity
you shall have visions Dreams & the spirit of Prophesy & thou shalt
shalt have the gift of disernment to know the harts of the Children
of men & we seal these blessings upon you & seal you up unto Eternal Life
in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen
I Attended meeting in the 14th ward school House & herd Elders
Wm W. PhelpsJ. Vancott & B L Clapp preach they had the spirit
of the Lord & spoke well I followed them. The spirit of the Lord was
upon me I warned the people to repent of all their sins & turn unto God
from this hour to set their houses in order & evry man woman & Child
fill their place & do their duty that the spirit & power of God might
rest upon them. I was followed by Bishop Hoagland who had the
spirit of the Lord upon him we had a good Meeting
President Kimball remarked that it was no use to baptize the people
untill they had made restitutions to those whom they had
injured. He also said that the men who had been to work for him He
had given $1.50 cts per day & they were dissatisfied & went away to provo
whare they said they could get $2 per day. Elder F. D. Richards said
that he had found the people more ready to carry out the principles
of this kingdom who had been taught it in the English Language than
those who ownly understood the welsh & other Languages. It has
seemed like speaking through a quill to the Welsh Churches all the time
~ Monday
13th Monday I spent the day in the office writing at 4 oclok Presidents
B YoungH. C. Kimball & J. M. Grant also D. H. Wells & some others
left this City for a Journey to Fort supply Fort Bridger, & Green River
&c &c & to meet with the companies who were coming in from the states
with Hand Carts & ox teams
~ Tuesday
14th I spent the day in the office writing History of Brigham YoungJoseph & John Young spent a part of the day with us
I had a meeting with my family I had a good time I confessed my
own faults & told my families theirs exhorted them to take my Council they
covenanted to do so the spirit of the Lord was with me at the Close
of my family meeting I went down to the Elders meeting & herd them
speak for a short time
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 12, 1856 - October 14, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 9, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/mJE