of one instead of any more to transact any kind of busines
if I want to do it with dispatch then he does not have
others to council but can act upon his own judgment
we hire men ^& clerks^ to work in the Church who spend all ther
time as day labourers we pay them wages. G. Do not
the Bishops have salary's? Y. No Sir. [G.] Are all the Mormons
under obligation to gather together and upon what principl
are they required to gather. Y Yes we consider
ourselves under obligation to gather together By the comma-
ndments of God the Bible teaches the subject of the Gathering
in the last days. G we have understood that the Bible
teaches the Jews to gather to old Jerrusalem Y. Yes &
it also teaches the Saints to gather to Zion. G Do you
think there can be any collission between the Mormons
& the United States. Y Not if they let us alone & do not
persecute us more than we are able to bear, but they can
croud us to a point which would make a collission
[G.] What was the cause of so much oposition to Joseph Smith
they accused him of stealing Horses & cattle & doing much
evil. Now the Methodist used to be much opposed &
were vary unpopular But I do not recollect of hearing
them accused of such crimes as the Mormons are
I am vary unpopular in my religion I am a whole
souled Universalist yet we are not accused of such
crimes & I do not recollect that the Saints were in the
days of Christ. B. Y I think sir if you will look
carefully at the History of Christ & the Apostles you
will find that all manner of Evil was spoken against
them falsly. As to Joseph Smith he was a good man
& he was persecuted even unto death becasuse he did
do good. He passed through over 30 law suits got up
by his enemies & it was shown in evry instance that
He was innocent & it was got up through persecution
G What are the Danites and what information can you
give me concerning them. Y I cannot give you any
information conserning them you will have to enquiring
of our Enemies & they can tell you all about it, we know
nothing about any Danites we have no such society or
company among us. G You are accused of many crimes
Y And so were the saints in the days of Christ & the Apostles
evry exertion has been made from the begining to Bring some
accusation against us while trying Joseph in Missouri before
Judge A King. He asked Joseph if he believed in the setling
of the kingdom in the last days that the prophet Daniel spoke
of Joseph said he believed what the Bible said about it the
Judge said clerk put that down that is treason Col Dona-
phan who was JosephsLawyier said you had better
make the bible treason & don with it. In the days of Christ
the Jews said if we let him alone he will come & take away
our state & Nation that is what our enemies are afraid
of now that we shall esstablish the kingdom of God
G do you believe in infant sprinkling. Y. No we baptize
Believers By ememersion. G do you believe in any New
July 13
of one instead of any more to transact any kind of busines
if I want to do it with dispatch then he does not have
others to council but can act upon his own judgment
we hire men & clerks to work in the Church who spend all ther
time as day labourers we pay them wages. G. Do not
the Bishops have salary's Y. No Sir. G. Are all the Mormons
under obligation to gather together and upon what principl
are they required to gather. Y Yes we consider
ourselves under obligation to gather together By the commandments of God the Bible teaches the subject of the Gathering
in the last days. G we have understood that the Bible
teaches the Jews to gather to old Jerrusalem Y. Yes &
it also teaches the Saints to gather to Zion. G Do you
think there can be any collission between the Mormons
& the United States. Y Not if they let us alone & do not
persecute us more than we are able to bear, but they can
croud us to a point which would make a collission
G. What was the cause of so much oposition to Joseph Smith
they accused him of stealing Horses & cattle & doing much
Evil. Now the Methodist used to be much opposed &
were vary unpopular But I do not recollect of hearing
them accused of such crimes as the Mormons are
I am vary unpopular in my religion I am a whole
souled Universalist yet we are not accused of such
crimes & I do not recollect that the Saints were in the
days of Christ. B. Y I think sin if you will look
carefully at the History of Christ & the Apostles you
will find that all manner of Evil was spoken against
them falsly. As to Joseph Smith he was a good man
& he was persecuted even unto death because he did
do good. He passed through over 30 law suits got up
by his enemies & it was shown in evry instace that
He was innocent & it was got up through persecution
G What are the Danites and what information can you
give me concerning them. Y I cannot give you any
information conserning them you will have to enquiring
of our Enemies & they can tell you all about it, we know
nothing about any Danites we have no such society or
company among us. G You are accused of many crimes
Y And so were the saints in the days of Christ & the Apostles
evry exertion has been made from the begining to Bring some
accusation against us while trying Joseph in Missouri before
Judge A King. He asked Joseph if he believed in the setling
of the kingdom in the last days that the prophet Daniel spoke
of Joseph said he believed what the Bible said about it the
Judge said clerk put that down that is treason Col Donaphan who was Josephs Lawyier said you had better
make the bible treason & don with it. In the days of Christ
the Jews said if we let him alone he will come & take away
our state & Nation that is what our enemies are afraid
of now that we shall esstablish the Kingdom of God
G do you believe in infant sprinkling. Y. No we baptize
Believers Byemersion. G do you believe in any New
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"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," July 13, 1859, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 2, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/2R2K