new doctrin Y no none ownly what the Bible & Book of mormon
teaches, have you not read the Book of Mormon G But vary
little of it. How extensive are miracle in the Church & are
they confined to the leaders of the Church. Y They are as
extensive as it is the will of God to give they arne not confined
to the Head But all Elders lay hands upon the sick when
called upon and the sick are often healed. G yes but some
die I suppose. Y Yes the saints & sinners have died in
every age. Death has passed upon all mankind & they cannot
escape it. G Your doctrin of Polygamy is not that
against the Bible. Paul said A Bishop should have one wife [1 Timothy 3:2]
Y. that is correct Doctrin you should not take a single
man for a Bishop he should at least have one wife But
Paul did not say that he should not have but one there
is nothing in Pauls words against his having a dozen
[G.] How many wives has any one man had in the Church
B. Y. I suppose I have as many as any one man I have
some 15 I have some aged women sealed to me upon the
principle of sealing which I no more think of making
a wife of than I would my Grand Mother. G Has it
been long that Poligamy has been practiced in the Church
Y it has ben practiced for some 16 years have you not read
the revelation given upon that subject? G I have not I think
it has not been published till late. Did Joseph Smith have
more than one wife. Y The revelation was publishis
in Aug 1852. Joseph Smith had more than one wife
G How do the women receive the Doctrin Y Quite as
well as the men. I do not think there is a woman in the
Church that opposed it inmore than I did in my feelings
How many wives have you Mr Greely. G ownly one H. C. K. How many Misses do you keep. G Not any.
B Y I do not think their is a member of the Church in this
room that has had any connexion with a woman except his
wife if Mr Greely can say as much, then I think you are
virtuous. (He did not answer it.) G. I would like to visit
your schools while here do you have free schools do the
Church pay for the schooling of all the children Y No all
pay their own schooling at present. G I hear that the
Church is rich. Y The Church have some buildings here
G While Journeying here it was reported that the animals
of the emigrating trains belonged to the Church. Y The[y] are
not Church animals they belong to members of the Church
probably. G. Were not the leaders of the Church poor you
say you have no salary. you seem to be wealthy I do not see
how you get your property B. Y. I gathered some property
in kirtland. I earned it with my hands except half
of a pig which weighed 90 lbs which Joseph Gave me we
had to leave kirtland through persecution I came to Nauvoo with nothing I there got a property through
my labor & the Blessings of God. We were driven from
our property there & I had to Borrow to get here & now
my Property I suppose is worth some three hundred thou-
sand dollars and you may ask any man in heaven
Earth or Hell, if I have wronged him out of a dollar
July 13
new doctrin Y no none ownly what the Bible & Book of mormon
teaches, have you not read the Book of Mormon G But vary
little of it. How extensive are miracle in the Church & are
they confined to the leaders of the Church. Y They are as
extensive as it is the will of God to give they are not confined
to the Head But all Elders lay hands upon the sick when
called upon and the sick are often healed. G yes but some
die I suppose. Y Yes the saints & sinners have died in
every age. Death has passed upon all mankind & they cannot
escape it. G Your doctrin of Polygamy is not that
against the Bible. Paul said A Bishop should have one wife
Y. that is correct Doctrin you should not take a single
man for a Bishop he should at least have one wife But
Paul did not say that he should not have but one there
is nothing in Pauls words against his having a dozen
G. How many wives has any one man had in the Church
B. Y. I suppose I have as many as any one man I have
some 15 I have some aged women sealed to me upon the
principle of sealing which I no more think of making
a wife of than I would my Grand Mother. G Has it
been long that Poligamy has been practiced in the Church
Y it has ben practiced for some 16 years have you not read
the revelation given upon that subject G I have not I think
it has not been published till late. Did Joseph Smith have
more than one wife. Y The revelation was publishis
in Aug 1852. Joseph Smith had more than one wife
G How do the women receive the Doctrin Y Quite as
well as the men. I do not think there is a woman in the
Church that opposed itmore than I did in my feelings
How many wives have you Mr Greely. G ownly one
H. C. K. How many Misses do you keep. G Not any.
B Y I do not think their is a member of the Church in this
room that has had any connexion with a woman except his
wife if Mr Greely can say as much, then I think you are
virtuous. (He did not answer it) G. I would like to visit
your schools while here do you have free schools do the
Church pay for the schooling of all the children Y No all
pay their own schooling at present. G I hear that the
Church is rich. Y The Church have some buildings here
G While Journeying here it was reported that the animals
of the emigrating trains belonged to the Church. Y They are
not Church animals they belong to members of the Church
probably. G. Were not the leaders of the Church poor you
say you have no salary. you seem to be wealthy I do not see
how you get your property B. Y. I gathered some property
in kirtland. I earned it with my hands except half
of a pig which weighed 90 lbs which Joseph Gave me we
had to leave kirtland through persecution I came to
Nauvoo with nothing I there got a property through
my labor & the Blessings of God. We were driven from
our property there & I had to Borrow to get here & now
my Property I suppose is worth some three hundred thousand dollars and you may ask any man in heaven
Earth or Hell, if I have wronged him out of a dollar
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"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," July 13, 1859, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 2, 2025,