of land in order to keep from Drowning but he got out safe
~ Thursday
20 I Attended the Legislature & we sat till 8 oclok at [FIGURE] night we had a Petition again to day from the Rush valley
settlement wanting the herd grant to Brigham Young & co
Repealed President Young said let it be repealed & we
repealed it through both Houses without any oposition {Men lied
about it} [blank] Miller [blank] signed the petition
~ Friday
21st I spent the whole day & night in the Legislature till
3 1/2 oclock in the morning The Govornor remained up
untill all the Bills were signed except a Liquor Bill & united Shambip County with Toille those are the ownly Bill that
the Govornor has veto'ed we turned off much business
during the Last 24 hours we adjourned to meet on the second
Monday in Dec 1859 in Great Salt Lake City. The secretary
refused to pay the members ownly the identical siting days
this created some considerable in the Assembly and an
unusual thing. The Assembly offerd a resolution of thanks
to Govornor GCummings for his wise policy in keeping
the peace & maintaining the Laws in this Territory I
went home at 4 oclok
~ Saturday
22nd We met at 2 oclok not as a Legislative assembly for that
adjourned last night but we met to take into consideration the
conduct of Secretary Hartnet who had refused to pay any member
of the Legislature except the identical days they had set He would
throw out Sundays and all day while travelling From Filmore
to Great Salt Lake City after the adjournment, From Filloremore
or oif any one was sick or excused for a day this is an unherd
of course in Congress or in the Legislativere of any state or
Territory. A committee was appointed to wait upon the
Secretary & Govornor but they could not see them & adjourned
till 6 oclock we met at 6 oclock had a full house the committee
reported that the Secretary would not pay ownly the sitting days E. D. Woolley made speech & entered into a Dialogue with the
Members which showed up the secretary in a vary unf[avor]able
light he was using partiality J. W. Cummings testified
that he had paid him his full milage & per Deium many
remarks were made by the members we adjourned about 9 oclok
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Elder O. Pratt
Preached upon the Kingdom of God to be set up in the Last days as
spoken off by Daniel He spoke in the power of God much to the
edifycation of the people. I met with my Quorum in the prayers
circle John T Caine Prayed & David O. Calder was mouth
in the circle. I spent the Afternoon in the Presidents office
looking over the papers as the Eastern Mail came in last
night there was not much news in the papers there was a Bill
in Congress to grant each Territory the right to electe theire
own officers including the Govornor, Judges, Marshall, & all other
officers & they must bear their own expenses & not the General
Government. I asked President Young If Robert Scholes & Susan C. Woodruff my second daughter might be married
He had no objections to it {He asked me about Phebe. I told him all about her. He
released her and set her free. He did not wish to take any more [wives]. He said we should [well] be pressed for an off[er].}
Dec Jan 20th
of land in order to keep from Drowning but he got out safe
~ Thursday
20 I Attended the Legislature & we sat till 8 oclok at
[FIGURE] night we had a Petition again to day from the Rush valley
settlement wanting the herd grant to Brigham Young & co
Repealed. President Young said let it be repealed & we
Repealed it through both Houses without any oposition. {Men lied
about it} [blank] Miller [blank] signed the petition
~ Friday
21st I spent the whole day & night in the Legislature till
3 1/2 oclock in the morning. The Govornor remained up
untill all the Bills were signed except a Liquor Bill & united
Shambip County with Toille those are the ownly Bill that
the Govornor has veto'ed we turned off much business
during the Last 24 hours we adjourned to meet on the second
Monday in Dec 1859 in Great Salt Lake City. The secretary
refused to pay the members ownly the identical Siting days
this created some considerable in the Assembly and an
unusual thing. The Assembly offered a resolution of thanks
to GovornorCummings for his wise policy in keeping
the peace & maintaining the Laws in this Territory I
went home at 4 oclok
~ Saturday
22nd We met at 2 oclok not as a Legislative assembly for that
adjourned last night but we met to take into consideration the
conduct of secretary Hartnet who had refused to pay any member
of the Legislature except the identical days they had set He would
throw out Sundays and all day while travelling From Filmore
to Great Salt Lake City after the adjournment, From Fillmore
orif any one was sick or excused for a day this is an unherd
of course in Congress or in the Legislature of any State or
Territory. A committee was appointed to wait upon the
Secretary & Govornor but they could not see them & adjourned
till 6 oclock we met at 6 oclock had a full house the committee
reported that the Secretary would not pay ownly the sitting days
E. D. Woolley made speech & entered into a Dialogue with the
Members which showed up the Secretary in a vary unfavorable
light he was using partiality. J. W. Cummings testified
that he had paid him his full milage & per Deium many
remarks were made by the members we adjourned about 9 oclock
~ Sunday
23rd Sunday I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Elder O. Pratt
Preached upon the Kingdom of God to be set up in the Last days as
spoken off by Daniel He spoke in the power of God much to the
edifycation of the people. I met with my Quorum in the prayers
circle John T Caine Prayed & David O. Calder was mouth
in the circle. I spent the Afternoon in the Presidents office
looking over the papers as the Eastern Mail came in last
night there was not much news in the papers there was a Bill
in congress to grant each Territory the right to Electe theire
own officers including the Govornor, Judges, Marshall, & all other
officers & they must bear their own expenses & not the General
Government. I asked President Young If Robert Scholes &
Susan C. Woodruff my second daughter might be married
He had no objections to it {He asked me about Phebe. I told him all about her. He
released her and set her free. He did not wish to take any more wives. He said we should well? be pressed for an offer.}
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," January 19, 1859 - January 23, 1859, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Nxp6