upon the mountains [Doctrine and Covenants 49:25] when this revelations was given
there was no gathering at all Joseph had got to kirtland I have no idea that the prophet himself knew at that
time whare this would be. We are now here in the
mountains in fulfillment of that Prophesy and
Revelation Also in the 40th chapter of Isaiah com-
forting words were spoken concerning the Jews & Jerrusalem
they were to go to Jerrusalem for they had received
double reward for all their sins now comfort them a did all thes things take place in the wilderness in Zion
& in Jerrusalem in the days of the ^Birth of the^ Savior No they did not
then that same John Had yet to do a great work in the
Earth in the last days who first delivered the priesthood
to Joseph Smith the prophet & founder of the Church of
Christ in this dispensation it was this same John the
Baptist so he has fullfilled a part of his last day mis-
sion. O Zion get the[e] up into the High mountains that
bringest good tidings [Isaiah 40:9] we say that this was not
done at its first organization. why shall Zion get
up into the High mountains w[h]y to Judge the Nations of
the Earth. this people will know righteous Judgment
this people will be protected & shall Judge the people
of the Earth. it is said God will pour out knowledge
& power upon Zion these [are] some of the things that will
take place before the coming of Christ. now that we may
know that this is the case see what the Lord says
Behold the Lord will come He will gather his people
& carry them in his arms. [Isaiah 40:10-11] we have come up Here
in these mountains. well now have we flourished
yes we have, we have flourished yet not as much
as we shall. the Lord has said that we shall be the rival
of all people yet we are cautioned to beware of pride
lest we become like the Nephites of old & some prophets
have said that we should be chastized that the church
wandered in the wilderness were faint & ready to fall down
this people from the commencemt have passed through
oppression & difficulty we that have not been in the
church from an Early day & do not know the History
of it can learn it by reading the News published
in Salt Lake City and we can Just als well read
the future History & events of this church by reading
the prophets that have spoken concerning us. shall
we be in thiese mountains when Christ comes No
at least head quarters will not be here it will have
to be on more ground it will be in Jackson Co Mo
we may leave some Millions here but the Head quarters
will be ion more ground whare shall we go to the new
Jerrusalem whare there will be built a great Capitol
& Temple & we have got to build it. we & all our children
who are 8 years old know that when we have tryed
to build a city the Lord has suffered it to be thrown down
so that we may have experince so that we shall know
how to build up a New Jerrusalem so that it will
be exceptable unto the Lord so that it will never be
thrown down but be saved & taken into Heaven
upon the mountains when this revelations was given
there was no gathering at all Joseph had got to KirtlandI have no idea that the prophet himself knew at that
time whare this would be. we are now here in the
mountains in fulfillment of that Prophesy and
Revelation. Also in the 40th chapter of Isaiah comforting words were spoken concerning the Jews & Jerrusalem
they were to go to Jerrusalem for they had received
double reward for all their sins now comfort them
did all thes things take place in the wilderness in Zion
& in Jerrusalem in the days of the Birth of the Savior No they did not
then that same John Had yet to do a great work in the
Earth in the last days who first delivered the priesthood
to Joseph Smith the prophet & founder of the Church of
Christ in this dispensation it was this same John the
Baptist so he has fullfilled a part of his last day mission. O Zion get thee up into the High mountains that
bringest good tidings we say that this was not
done at its first organization. why shall Zion get
up into the High mountains why to Judge the Nations of
the Earth. this people will know righteous Judgment
this people will be protected & shall Judge the people
of the Earth. it is said God will pour out knowledge
& power upon Zion these are some of the things that will
take place before the coming of Christ. now that we may
know that this is the case see what the Lord says
Behold the Lord will come He will gather his people
& carry them in his arms. we have come up Here
in these mountains. well now have we flourished
yes we have, we have flourished yet not as much
as we shall. the Lord has said that we shall be the rival
of all people yet we are cautioned to beware of pride
lest we become like the Nephites of old & some prophets
have said that we should be chastized that the church
wandered in the wilderness were faint & ready to fall down
this people from the commencement have passed through
oppression & difficulty we that have not been in the
church from an Early day & do not know the History
of it can learn it by reading the News published
in Salt Lake City and we can Just as well read
the future History & events of this church by reading
the prophets that have spoken concerning us. shall
we be in these mountains when Christ comes No
at least head quarters will not be here it will have
to be on more ground it will be in Jackson Co Mo
we may leave some Millions here but the Head quarters
will be on more ground where shall we go to the new
Jerrusalem whare there will be built a great Capitol
& Temple & we have got to build it, we & all our children
who are 8 years old know that when we have tryed
to build a city the Lord has suffered it to be thrown down
so that we may have experince so that we shall know
how to build up a New Jerrusalem so that it will
be exceptable unto the Lord so that it will never be
thrown down but be saved & taken into Heaven
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," October 21, 1855, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/mvE