29th I Entered many articles for the state Fair I met with the Nauvoo
Legion on Parade. Lieut General Wells Addressed the Legion & reproved
them sharply for not being more interested in the interest of the Legion
He was followed by col LittleA Rockwood & W Woodruff & E D Woolley
Oct 1st I met in the state Fair with the board of Directors &
as chairman of the Fruit Committe in awarding premiums I preached
in the evening to the 13 ward in the social Hall was followed by Edmund
ElsworthJ Gates & E. D. Woolley the spirit of God was upon us & we
talked vary plain to the people
~ Thursday
2nd It is fast day in this city & many of the people spent the day
in fasting & prayer. The State Fair is open to day. President Young
& family go through in the Morning then it is open to the public
The following Apples were named by the fruit committe Nebekers No 5 Nebekers winter, No 7spotted Fall, No 3winter spot
W. Woodruff (large read & white) Mountain Beauty, winter Red
Stains Deseret Sweet (W Richards) Willard Sweet
New names for Peaches B. Youngs, Sweet Cling & Tart ClingTart Free A. CarringtonLemon Cling
I passed through the state Fair several times I attended the ploughing
Match at 2 oclok. 9 Men entered for ploughing. 3 prizes wer given
to J. M. Woodlley 1 prize To B. Adams 2nd prize To Wm Carruth 3rd prize
W. Woodruff obtained premiums on the following Articles
1st premium on wheat
1st [premium on] Peas
3rd Div
1st [premium on] Beet Molasses
1 [premium on] on Early Corn
2nd premium on squashes
2nd [premium on] Pumpkins
2nd [premium on] Beets
2nd Div $1
2nd [premium on] on Yellow Corn
3rd Div
2nd on seedling Apples
There was a large throng visited the
fair all day their is a vary fine
collection of evry department almost
even beyoung [beyond] our expectations & is vary
incourageing in this thing
[rest of page blank]
~ Monday
29th I Entered many articles for the state Fair I met with the Nauvoo
Legion on Parade Lieut General Wells Addressed the Legion & reproved
them sharply for not being more interested in the interest of the Legion
He was followed by col LittleA Rockwood & W Woodruff &
E D Woolley
~ Tuesday
30th FIGURES The Calafornia Mail came in & brought me 1 Letter
from C. C. Rich I wrote Letters to the Mormon, the Standard
the Lumanary, to Hon's J. M. Bernhisel & G. A. Smith to O. pratt to
C C Rich Total 7 Letters & spent a part of the day in the fair
~ Wednesday
Oct 1st I met in the state Fair with the board of Directors &
as chairman of the Fruit Committe in awarding premiums I Preached
in the evening to the 13 ward in the social Hall was followed by Edmund
ElsworthJ Gates & E. D. Woolley the spirit of God was upon us & we
talked vary plain to the people
~ Thursday
2nd It is fast day in this City & many of the people spent the day
in fasting & prayer. The state Fair is open to day President Young
& family go through in the Morning then it is open to the public
The following Apples were named by the fruit committe
Nebekers No 5 Nebekers winter, No 7spotted Fall, No 3winter spot
W. Woodruff (large read & white) Mountain Beauty, winter Red
Stains Deseret Sweet (W Richards) Willard Sweet
New names for Peaches B. Youngs, Sweet Cling & Tart ClingTart FreeA. CarringtonLemon Cling
I passed through the state Fair several times I attended the ploughing
match at 2 oclok. 9 Men entered for ploughing 3 prizes wer given
to J. M. Woolley 1 prize To B. Adams 2nd prize To Wm Carruth 3rd prize
W. Woodruff obtained Premiums on the following Articles
1st Premium on wheat $10
1st " " Premium on Peas 3rd Div
1st " Beet Molasses $1
1 " On Early Corn $2
2nd Premium On squashes $1
2nd " " Pumpkins $1
2nd " " Beets 2nd $1
2nd " On Yellow Corn 3rd Div
2nd on seedling Apples $5
There was a large throng visited the
fair all day their is a vary fine
collection of evry department almost
even beyond our expectations & is vary
incourageing in this thing
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1854 – December 31, 1859)," September 29, 1856 - October 2, 1856, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 17, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/oqN