May 14th ^1860^
A Hard Frost last night, every thing Frozen this morning grapes Apple Blooms
& curants were all drooping it now appears as though we should have no
Fruit of any kind this season. The mountains Hills & parts of the valley are
still covered with a white mantle. The mail came in yesterday which we
obtained today, which brought us a variety of papers. no News of importnce
I spent the day in the office There was a good deal of Fireing pistols in the night
~ Tuesday
15 I examined my Garden this morning I find the Frost & snow has
damaged me much. A Plesant day. Robert went to the Field to plant
Potatoes I had the sick head ake I called upon President Kimball. He was
getting better, had been quite sick. I learned to day the fireing of pistols
commenced at T. D. Browns his son was struck on the head with a
pistol which went of[f] The mans name was Miller he Fled away
followed by ^James^ Alread who overtook him told Miller He was his prisioner
Miller drew a pistol to shoot him But James Alread got the first shot
& shot him through the Breast but it was thought not mortal
~ Wednesday
16 I spent half a day in the office. The Following is a copy of
A vision which 2two Brethren had while sitting up with the corps
of Elder John Brown who was killed by a Rock May 3rd 1860
"I was setting up with the corpse of Elder John W. Brown
about 3 oclok in the morning (Friday May the 4th 1860)
when I behold a vary bright light hovering near the door
which Fronts to the west near the top of the door on the left
side was a crown shineing Brilliantly below was a circle
of 12 stars also vary bright and Beautiful. on the left was a
Representation of ^Br^ Browns coffin, on the right lower down was
a large stone the Express image of the one that killed Brother
Brown. This light remained without changing its position
one hour and a half. There were two candles burning in
the room but the light far surpassed there Brilliancy
Brother William Green was also present and testified that the
above is correct and Adds "I saw the light before Brother
Stokes and previous to seeing the light on the door I saw
on the lid of the coffin two small looking glasses vary clear
clear & bright set in stone in a moment more I saw Brother
John Brown standing on the opposidte side of the coffin he looked
as he did when found after his death He soon disappeared and then
I saw the light on the door. John R Young wrote this testimony From their mouth
~ Monday
May 14, 1860
A Hard Frost last night, every thing Frozen this morning grapes Apple Blooms
& curants were all drooping it now appears as though we should have no
Fruit of any kind this season. The mountains Hills & parts of the valley are
still covered with a white mantle. The mail came in yesterday which we
obtained today, which brought us a variety of papers. no News of importance
I spent the day in the office. There was a good deal of Fireing pistols in the night
~ Tuesday
15 I examined my Garden this morning I find the Frost & snow has
damaged me much. A Plesant day. Robert went to the Field to plant
Potatoes I had the sick head ake I called upon President Kimball. He was
getting better, had been quite sick. I learned to day the fireing of pistols
commenced at T. D. Browns his son was struck on the head with a
pistol which went off. The mans name was Miller he Fled away
followed by James Alread who overtook him told Miller He was his prisioner
Miller drew a pistol to shoot him But James Alread got the first shot
& shot him through the Breast but it was thought not mortal
~ Wednesday
16 I spent half a day in the office. The Following is a copy of
A vision whichtwo Brethren had while sitting up with the corps
of Elder John Brown who was killed by a Rock May 3rd 1860
[FIGURE] Testimony of Jeremiah Stokes and William Green
"I was setting up with the corpse of Elder John W. Brown
about 3 oclok in the morning (Friday May the 4th 1860,)
when I beheld a vary bright light hovering near the door
which Fronts to the west near the top of the door on the left
side was a crown shineing Brilliantly below was a circle
of 12 stars also vary bright and Beautiful, on the left was a
Representation of Br Browns coffin, on the right lower down was
a large stone the Express image of the one that killed Brother
Brown. This light remained without changing its position
one hour and a half. There were two candles burning in
the room but the light far surpassed there Brilliancy
Brother William Green was also present and testified that the
above is correct and Adds "I saw the light before Brother
Stokes and previous to seeing the light on the door I saw
on the lid of the coffin two small looking glasses vary
clear & bright set in stone in a moment more I saw Brother
John Brown standing on the opposite side of the coffin he looked
as he did when found after his death He soon disappeared and then
I saw the light on the door. John R Young wrote this testimony From their mouth
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," May 14, 1860 - May 16, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025,