May 8th 1860
There was quite a Frost on the ground this morning the ground was
still white with snow still it will water the Earth & do much good
I spent the day in the office President Young called into the office
to look at his History with his Brother Phineas. He said that he
had got an account of his Family From his sister Fanny he thought
he lodged it in the office but we could Find nothing of it nor have
any recolection of it. President Young said he had given Phineas Young
a Job of ten thousand dollars seting out locust trees he wanted toone milli[o]n
set out
~ Wednesday
9th I rode with my Family down to my Farm the grain looked well
I spent the afternoon in the office reading letters
~ Thursday
10 I planted melons this morning. I perchased of Samuel Richards
a work called the route From Liverpool to Great Salt Lake City
Illustrated price $9. I was informed that Jesse Johnson son in law
of Samuel Snider, was killed on Tuesday May 8, 1860 by an upright
saw Fram He shut down the gate with the crank up while stooping
down to look to see if somthing was not loose the crank droped, the
upper part of the saw Frame caught his head & mashed it he was
buried on the 9th. Marion J. Shelton arived today From the Moquitches I spent the day in the office
~ Friday
11 I planted Beans this morning then went to the office and spent
the day It was vary windey and cold
~ Saturday
12 It commenced hailing about 2 oclok this morning it commencd snowing
about 3 oclok and we had the hardest snow storm we have had this
year all the Fruit & shade trees were loaded down many of the
curant Buchels broak down I was laboring for 5 hours among
my trees to keep them clear of snow so they would not break down
I went to the office at 11 o'clok obtained the mountaineer & learned
that the poney express arived last night 5 days From the states
& Brought word that the DimocraticCharlston Convention became
divided and adjourned one part at Baltimore the other at Richm[on]d
it has been said For many years that 1860 will be a vary Notable
year the signs of the times indicate that it will be it is vary unco-
mmon for snow to Fall 2 feet deep on the 12th May it was quite
cold at night and a Frost which killed grapes & probably Apples
~ Sunday
13th Sunday it snowed a short time this morning. it cleared off & snow
Melted all day I spent the day at homeJohn Taylor & Gilbert Clemets preached
~ Tuesday
May 8th 1860
There was quite a Frost on the ground this morning the ground was
still white with snow still it will water the Earth & do much good
I spent the day in the office President Young called into the office
to look at his History with his Brother Phineas. He said that he
had got an account of his Family From his sister Fanny he thought
he lodged it in the office but we could Find nothing of it nor have
any recolection of it. President Young said he had given Phineas Young
a Job of ten thousand dollars seting out locust trees he wanted one million
set out
~ Wednesday
9th I rode with my Family down to my Farm the grain looked well
I spent the afternoon the office reading letters
~ Thursday
10 I planted melons this morning. I perchased of Samuel Richards
a work called the route From Liverpool to Great Salt Lake City
Illustrated price $9. I was informed that Jesse Johnson son in law
of Samuel Snider, was killed on Tuesday May 8, 1860 by an upright
saw Fram He shut down the gate with the crank up while stooping
down to look to see if somthing was not loose the crank droped the
upper part of the saw Frame caught his head & mashed it he was
buried on the 9th.
11 I planted Beans this morning then went to the office and spent
the day It was vary windey and cold
~ Saturday
12 It commenced hailing about 2 oclok this morning it commenced snowing
about 3 oclok and we had the hardest snow storm we have had this
year all the Fruit & shade trees were loaded down many of the
curant Buches broak down I was laboring for 5 hours among
my trees to keep them clear of snow so they would not break down
I went to the office at 11 o'clok obtained the mountaineer & learned
that the poney express arived last night 5 days From the states
& Brought word that the DimocraticCharlston Convention became
divided and adjourned one part at Baltimore the other at Richmond
it has been said For many years that 1860 will be a vary Notable
year the signs of the times indicate that it will be it is vary uncommon for snow to Fall 2 feet deep on the 12th May it was quite
cold at night and a Frost which killed grapes & probably Apples
~ Sunday
13th Sunday it snowed a short time this morning, it cleared off & snow
Melted all day I spent the day at home John Taylor & Gilbert Clements Preached
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," May 8, 1860 - May 13, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025,