He converse with me untill abut 12 oclok. He asked me to pray with
him that he might have strength to go to his execution & pay the
penalty of his crimes. I prayed with him according to his requ-
est & then bid him good ^by^ as did others who were with him. He
then walked to his place of execution. there was a large number
outside the wall & some one hundred in the Court House placed at
the windows to witness the Execution Jason Luce sat in a
chair with his feet maniceled. He addressed the people a few
moments renounced WmaA. Hickman as his betrayer bid
the people good by. Sherif Burton drew the Black cap over
his face & at a given signal 5 Balls was shot through or near
his heart & his spirit left his body without a groan or
hardly a movement of his body his corps was taken to
the gate & exhibited to the croud, it was then taken to his
Brothers House & laid out
~ Wednesday
13. The body of Luce was buried to day in the burying ground
A subscription was taken up to day for his Family & some
$300 was obtained $175 in money. I spent the afternoon
in the council chamber
~ Thursday
14. I spent the forenoon in the presidents office & the Afternoon in
the Legislative council
~ Friday
15 I spent the afternoon in the Legislative council.
~ Saturday
16 I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave endowments
to 45 persons. President Kimball sealed 12 couple & W. Woodruff
5 couple I attended the council in the after noon & done
considerable business I wrote a letter to E. D. Woolley
~ Sunday
17. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting at the Tabernacle all day. E. T. Benson spoke in the forenoon & A
Lyman in the afternoon. I met with President Young & several
of the Twelve in the Prayer Circle after Prayers President Young
informed us He had a letter from Brethren on the Sandwich Islands
which was read informing us that Capt Gibson Had ordained
on the Island A Quorum of Twelve Apostles & Seventies & Bishops
& High Priests &c. He charged $100 for ordaining the 12 each &
$50 for 70, $5 for a Bishop $2.50 for a Bishops counceller &c
And He had claimed all the Island to himself & said that Brigham
He converse with me untill abut 12 oclok He asked me to pray with
him that he might have strength to go to his Execution & pay the
penalty of his crimes. I prayed with him according to his request & then bid him good by as did others who were with him He
then walked to his place of Execution. there was a large number
out side the wall & some one hundred in the Court House placed at
the windows to witness the Execution Jason Luce sat in a
chair with his feet maniceled. He addressed the people a few
moments Renounced WmA. Hickman as his betrayer bid
the People good by. Sherif Burton drew the Black Cap over
his face & at a given signal 5 Balls was shot through or near
his heart & his spirit left his body without a groan or
hardly a movemet of his body his corps was taken to
the gate & Exhibited to the croud, it was then taken to his
Brothers House & laid out
~ Wednesday
13. The body of Luce was buried to day in the burying ground
A subscription was taken up to day for his Family & some
$300 was obtained $175 in money I spent the afternoon
in the council chamber
~ Thursday
14. I spent the forenoon in the presidets office & the Afternoon in
the Legislative council
~ Friday
15 I spent the afternoon in the Legislative Council.
~ Saturday
16 [FIGURE] I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House we gave Endowments
to 45 persons. President Kimball sealed 12 couple & W. Woodruff
5 couple I attended the council in the after noon & done
considerable business I wrote a letter to E. D. Woolley
~ Sunday
17. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning & attended
Meeting at the Tabernacle all day. E. T. Benson spoke in the forenoon & A
Lyman in the afternoon. I met with President Young & several
of the Twelve in the Prayer Circle after Prayers President Young
informed us He had a letter from Brethren on the Sandwich Islands
which was read informing us that Capt Gibson Had ordained
on the Island A Quorum of Twelve Apostles & Seventies & Bishops
& High Priests &c. He charged $100 for Ordaining the 12 each &
$50 for 70, $5 for a Bishop $2.50 for a Bishops counceller &c
And He had claimed all the Island to himself & said that Brigham
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," January 12, 1864 - January 17, 1864, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 29, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Z47R