The Meeting assembled at the Bowery at 10 oclok it was
Judged that there was 3000 present. I opened the meeting
with prayer after singing. I then spoke to the people was
followed during the day By President YoungG A Smith & John
Taylor. The main part of the Preaching was instructing
the Saints to take care of our wheat, & the other products of
the Earth & wished all the settlements to send delegates to
a General confvention to be held in G. S L City on the
2nd Monday in Octobe Aug to there decide what shall
be the price of our flour & other things. We had a heavy
blow of wind & dust in the Afternoon & some rain we
closed our meeting at about 5 oclock
~ Monday
27. In the morning with Brother Randle & Richards we
drove to Mendon from there to Wellsville & Box Elder
whare we held a meeting President Kimball & Young spoke to the
people I spent the night with Brother Snow 30 miles
~ Tuesday
28. We rode to Willow Creek & held a meeting F. D. Richards
W. Woodruff G. A. Smith & President Young spoke we then
rode to Ogden & held a meeting at the Tabernacle the
Presidency & others spoke. I spent the night at McGraws 22 [miles]
~ Wednesday
29. We rode to Centerville & preached. I spoke to the people
followed by G. A. Smith & President Young. President Young
said that if they did not take my council & follow me
we shall be separated I shall not go to you for council
but you will have to come to me. At the close of the
meeting we rode home to our families in G S L City 40 m[iles]
~ Thursday
30. I rode to my grass lot to My farm to President Youngs
woollen & cotten Factory & home again & in the Evening wrote
some in my Journal. 8 [miles]
~ Friday
July 1st I spent the day at my Grass lot pulling Milk weeds
out of my Grass
~ Saturday
2nd I spent most of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 28 persons H. C. Kimball sealed
14 persons & W. Woodruff 18 persons
~ Sunday
3 Sunday I went to Fort Harriman & held a meeting with the
people. All voted to sustain a state convention in gGrate Salt
~ Sunday
June 26 1864
The Meeting assembled at the Bowery at 10 oclok it was
Judged that there was 3000 present. I opened the meeting
with prayer after singing. I then spoke to the people was
followed during the day By President YoungG A Smith & John
Taylor. The main part of the Preaching was instructing
the Saints to take care of our wheat, & the other products of
the Earth & wished all the settlements to send delegates to
a General convention to be held in G. S L City on the
2nd Monday in Aug to there decide what shall
be the price of our flour & other things. We had a heavy
blow of wind & dust in the After noon & some rain we
closed our meeting at about 5 oclock
~ Monday
27. In the morning with Brother Randle & Richards we
drove to Mendon from there to Wellsville & Box Elder
whare we held a meeting President Kimball & Young spoke to the
people I spent the night with Brother Snow 30 miles
29. We rode to Centerville & Preached I spoke to the people
followed by G A Smith & President Young. Presidet Young
said that if they did not take my council & follow me
we shall be separated I shall not go to you for council
but you will have to come to me. At the close of the
meeting we rode home to our families in G S L City 40 miles
~ Thursday
30. I rode to my grass lot to My farm to President Youngs
woollen & Cotten Factory & home again & in the Evening wrote
some in my Journal. 8
~ Friday
July 1st I spent the day at my Grass lot pulling Milk weeds
out of my Grass
~ Saturday
2nd I spent most of the day in the Endowment House
we gave Endowments to 28 persons H. C. Kimball sealed
14 persons & W. Woodruff 18 persons
~ Sunday
3 Sunday I went to Fort Harriman & held a meeting with the
people. All voted to sustain a state convention inGrate salt
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," June 26, 1864 - July 3, 1864, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025,