Jan 7 ^1861^
I spent the forenoon in the office Journalizing and the afternoon in
the Legislature. I called to see President Wells He was No better appeared
to have the Quinsey I spent the Evening at home writing Letters I wrote 2 Letters one to Ozem Thompson, one to Ann Cossetts
The poney Express came in the evening brought a Letter From
Capt Hooper to President Young up to Dec 25th The cecession movement
is still going on.
~ Tuesday
8 I spent the fore noon in the office the ofternoon in the Legislature I spent
the night at the 13 ward Hall in a select Party Presidents Young & Kimball were present also J. TaylorLorenzo Snow & W. Woodruff of the 12
there were about 75 tickets sold at $1.50 each
~ Wednesday
9 I spent the fore part of the day in the office the afternoon in the Legislature ^Missippi secdeded to day^
~ Thursday
10th I spent the fore part of the day in the office the afternoon in the
Legislature I wrote a letter in the evening to Erastus Snow a short
letter & also Mailed my Letters to Ozem Woodruff, Thompson & Ann
Cossett. ^Georgia seceded Yeas 208 Nays 89. Florida seceded Yeas 62, Nays 7^
~ Friday
11 I spent the ofternoon in the Legislature and & the evening at home ^Alabama seceded Yeas 61 Nays 39^
~ Saturday
12. I spent the day in the Endowment House the evening I spent in the Legislature
President Kimball gave us an interesting lecture in the
morning upon various subject
~ Sunday
13. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning A O Smoot Prayed
Bishop Hunter was mouth I attended meeting at the Tabernacle John Taylor preached in the morning & Brigham Young in the ofternoon
He gave a vary interesting discourse to the people Presidents Young & Kimball
& W Woodruff J STaylor G. A. Smith of the Twelve met for prayer H C Kimball
prayed G. A. S. was mouth. In speaking of the Government President
Young said the United States Government was in the fix that the man
was that had to swim a river or meet a Lion if He swam the river
He would drown if he met the Lion he would be devoured So with
the United States they are bound to be destroyed. Those things which
[they] wished to bring upon us shall come upon them. The brethren spoke
upon the subject of their Early travels President Young called upon
a leading Quaker who spiritualized all the scriptures and when he got
through his arguments among which was the doctrin that the forbidden
fruuit was in the heart. President Young asked him how Eve got into
the heart of Adam to partake of the forbidden fruit before Adam did
Jan 7 1861
I spent the forenoon in the office Journalizing and the afternoon in
the Legislature. I called to see President Wells He was No better appeared
to have the Quinsey I spent the Evening at home writing Letters
[FIGURE] I wrote 2 Letters one to Ozem Thompson, one to Ann Cossetts
The poney Express came in the evening brought a Letter From
Capt Hooper to President Young up to Dec 25th The cecession movement
is still going on.
8 I spent the fore noon in the office the afternoon in the Legislature I spent
the night at the 13 ward Hall in a select Party Presidents Young &
Kimball were present also J. TaylorLorenzo Snow & W. Woodruff of the 12
there were about 75 tickets sold at $1.50 each
9 I spent the fore part of the day in the office the afternoon in the Legislature Missippi seceded to day
10th I spent the fore part of the day in the office the afternoon in the
Legislature [FIGURE] I wrote a letter in the evening to Erastus Snow a short
letter & also Mailed my Letters to Ozem Woodruff, Thompson & Ann
Cossett. Georgia Seceded Yeas 208 Nays 89. Florida Seceded Yeas 62, Nays 7
11 I spent the afternoon in the Legislature and & the evening at home Alabama seceded Yeas 61 Nays 39
12. I spent the day in the Endowment House. the evening I spent in the Legislature
President Kimball gave us an interesting lecture in the
morning upon various subject
13. Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. A O Smoot Prayed
Bishop Hunter was mouth I attended meeting at the TabernacleJohn Taylor preached in the morning & Brigham Young in the afternoon
He gave a vary interesting discourse to the people. Presidents Young & Kimball
& W Woodruff JTaylor G. A. Smith of the Twelve met for prayer H C Kimball
prayed G. A. S. was mouth. In speaking of the Government President
Young said the United States Government was in the fix that the man
was that had to swim a river or meet a Lion if He swam the river
He would drown if he met the Lion he would be devoured So with
the United States they are bound to be destroyed. Those things which
they wished to bring upon us shall come upon them. The brethren spoke
upon the subject of their Early travels President Young called upon
a leading Quaker who spiritualized all the scriptures and when he got
through his arguments among which was the doctrin that the forbidden
fruuit was in the heart. President Young asked him how Eve got into
the heart of Adam to partake of the forbidden fruit before Adam did
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," January 7, 1861 - January 13, 1861, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/O7xr