Saturday I sepent most of the day in the Endowment House we had a
large company to take through their Endowments President Heber
C. Kimball gave us a good lecture in the morning upon various subjects He said that the people did not believe what He and President Young had
said concerning Famine & laying up wheat there is not one in twenty in
this city who has laid up a Bushel of Grain and they all depend upon the tithing office. He says we ought not to preach what we do not practice I do not
do it I have got two years provision laid up also clothing Brother Woodruff
here lays up provision & clothing. there are but few that do it. Now how
many will preach to the people & tell them to be like God while they do not
attempt to imitate the Lord but if a wife do not please them they will
pitch their wife or child out of doors and soon loose all the Lord has give
him now If we done as the Lord does if our families did not do right & obey
us we would bear with them, & feed them, & cloth them, and treat them
kindly that they may be saved. Look & se how long the Lord bears with the wicked He rains upon the Just & unjust [Matthew 5:45] & if we want to be like the Lord
we should bear with the weaknesses of our wives & children. he said He
had some wives who had never been subject to his council & will yet
yet He took good care of them & treated them kindly {he had one woman that had
committed Adultery yet he fed her and took care of her but did not sleep with her as a wife} He said many [things] which were
Edifying. The Eastern mail came in & brought dates up to Dec 15th
The cecession movement was on the increase the whole nation was convulsed
and was fast going to ruin & destruction
~ Sunday
6th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. Wilford Prayed &
I was mouth at the Altaer. I attended meeting at the Tabernacle Phineas Young Preached & He was followed by President Brigham Young who
gave a vary interesting & instructive discourse He said that in order
to become one we must obtain the mind of Christ we must be
govorned be the spirit of God or the mind of Christ then we
could govern our families and do our duty in all things. I called upon
upon Daniel H Well with Lorenzo Snow we found him vary sick with the
Erysipelas or Quinsey in the throat President Young was present we all laid
hands upon him & administered to him President Young was mouth &
Bless him. we then met for Prayer E. T. Bensonwas mouth ^prayed^ & G. A. S.
was mouth. two Letters was read to president Young one from O Hyde
& one from Jacob Gates in England quite a musical Letter
Saturday I sapent most of the day in the Endowment House we had a
large company to take through their Endowments. President Heber
C. Kimball gave us a good lecture in the morning upon various subjects
[FIGURE] He said that the people did not believe what He and President Young had
said concerning Famine & laying up wheat there is not one in twenty in
this city who has laid up a Bushel of Grain and they all depend upon the
tithing office. He says we ought not to preach what we do not practice I do not
do it I have got two years provision laid up also clothing Brother Woodruff
here lays up provision & clothing, there are but few that do it. Now how
many will preach to the people & tell them to be like God while they do not
attempt to imitate the Lord but if a wife do not please them they will
pitch their wife or child out of doors and soon loose all the Lord has given
him now If we done as the Lord does if our families did not do right & obey
us we would bear with them, & feed them, & cloth them, and treat them
kindly that they may be saved. Look & se how long the Lord bears with the
[FIGURE] wicked He rains upon the Just & unjust & if we want to be like the Lord
we should bear with the weaknesses of our wives & children. he said He
had some wives who had never been subject to his council & will yet
yet He took good care of them & treated them kindly {He had one woman that had
committed adultery yet he fed her and took care of her but did not sleep with her as a wife} He said many things which were
Edifying. The Eastern mail came in & brought dates up to Dec 15th
The cecession movement was on the increase the whole nation was convulsed
and was fast going to ruin & destruction
6th Sunday I met with my Quorum in the morning. Wilford Prayed &
I was mouth at the Alter. I attended meeting at the TabernaclePhineas Young Preached & He was followed by President Brigham Young who
gave a vary interesting & instructive discourse He said that in order
to become one we must obtain the mind of Christ we must be
govorned be the spirit of God or the mind of Christ then we
could govern our families and do our duty in all things. I called upon
upon Daniel H Well with Lorenzo Snow we found him vary sick with the
Erysipelas or Quinsey in the throat President Young was present we all laid
hands upon him & administered to him. President Young was mouth &
Bless him, we then met for Prayer. E. T. Benson prayed & G. A. S.
was mouth. two Letters was read to president Young one from O Hyde
& one from Jacob Gates in England quite a musical Letter
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," January 5, 1861 - January 6, 1861, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 15, 2025,