compared with other callings & avocations of life. I shall
not say much upon profane History during this Evening I will
However refer to one or two prominent Historians. Rollins
compiled an Elaberate History of the ancient Medes, Persians
Asyrians, Babylonians, & Caldeans. He gives a History of their
government customs Literature & Laws but more Esspecially
of their wars. I would recommend this History for our
yound [young] men to read who wish to become acquainted with an-
cient History. I would also recommend the reading of Josepheus
the great Jewish Historian it appears to me that no man can
read with indiference His account of the siege of Jerrusalem
by the Roman Army the destruction of their city & Temple their
captivity & dispersion among the Gentiles Nations Here in the
siege of Jerrusalem over one million of Jews perished inby the sword
famine, pestilence, & fire. I would also refer to the History of Greece
& Rome & Modern Europe & America or the History of any
Nation and ask how have we obtained the History of those
Nations, Kingdom & Countrys. you may say that Historians
have handed those things down unto us, But How have Historians
obtained materials from which to compile therire History?
I answer From the scribes, reporters, & Journalists who wrote
day by day Events as they passed before there Eyes and this
class of men forms the foundation of all History and from
there Material, Historians who live hundreds of years after
Events transpire will compile History. But without material
Historians cannot make History or any thing Else.
I will call your attention to what is called sacred or Bibli-
cal History. Moses wrote the first five Books viz JGenesisExiodus Leviticus, Numbers, & Dieuteronomy. But He gives but vary little
History of the Early ages of man. We have a revelation in the doctrins & covenants page 79 which says that "three years before
the death of Adam He called Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, JaredEnoch & Methuselah all who were High Priests with
the residue of his posterity who were righteous into the valley
of Adam Ondi Ahman and there bestowed upon them his
last Blessing and the Lord appeared unto them and they rose
compared with other callings & avocations of life. I shall
not say much upon profane History during this Evening I will
However refer to one or two prominent Historians. Rollins
compiled an Elaberate History of the ancient Medes, Persians
Asyrians, Babylonians, & Caldeans. He gives a History of their
government customs Literature & Laws but more Esspecially
of their wars. I would recommend this History for our
young men to read who wish to become acquainted with ancient History. I would also recommend the reading of Josepheus
the great Jewish Historian it appears to me that no man can
read with indiference His account of the siege of Jerrusalem
by the Roman Army the destruction of their city & Temple their
captivity & dispersion among the Gentiles Nations. Here in the
siege of Jerrusalem over one million of Jews perishedby the sword
famine, pestilence, & fire. I would also refer to the History of Greece
& Rome & Modern Europe & America or the History of any
Nation and ask how have we obtained the History of those
Nations, Kingdom & Countrys. you may say that Historians
have handed those things down unto us, But How have Historians
obtained materials from which to compile their History?
I answer From the scribes, reporters, & Journalists who wrote
day by day Events as they passed before there Eyes and this
class of men forms the foundation of all History and from
there Material, Historians who live hundreds of years after
Events transpire will compile History. But without material
Historians cannot make History or any thing Else.
I will call your attention to what is called sacred or Biblical History. Moses wrote the first five Books vizGenesisExodusLeviticus, Numbers, & Deuteronomy. But He gives but vary little
History of the Early ages of man. We have a revelation in the
doctrins & covenants page 79 which says that "three years before
the death of Adam He called Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel,
JaredEnoch & Methuselah all who were High Priests with
the residue of his posterity who were righteous into the valley
of Adam Ondi Ahman and there bestowed upon them his
last Blessing and the Lord appeared unto them and they rose
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"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," February 12, 1862, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 14, 2025,