Day in the Life

Feb 12, 1862

Journal Entry

February 12, 1862 ~ Wednesday

12 I spent the day in the office on the Buy laws of the Joordan
Irrigation Company
& Journalizing

A crown A Lecture of W. Woodruff in the Seventies Hall
upon History and Journallizing on the evening of Feb 12.
I met at the 70s Hall at 7 oclok to deliver a lecture according
to appointment the Hall was crouded to overflowing and
Hundreds Had to leave who could not get into the House the
following is a synopsis of my lecture

Brethren and Sisters I feel Happy in meeting with you
in this capacity. I think it more profitable for the Saints to
meet together to hear lectures delivered upon the arts & scien-
ces and various principles than to spend so much time in
danceing and light amusement. The subject which I wish
to speak upon this Evening is Journalizieing & History this
subject Embraces a wide Field far greater than I shall
attempt to Explore this Evening. History is given under
two general Heads viz Sacred and profane and as spiritual
and temporal things are inseparably connected, so is sacred
& profane History many times is vary closely connected
together. We have but vary little History in the Early ages
of the world Either Sacred or Profane, and but vary few His-
torians or Journalists in any age of the world when

compared with other callings & avocations of life. I shall
not say much upon profane History during this Evening I will
However refer to one or two prominent Historians. Rollins
compiled an Elaberate History of the ancient Medes, Persians
Asyrians, Babylonians, & Caldeans. He gives a History of their
government customs Literature & Laws but more Esspecially
of their wars. I would recommend this History for our
yound [young] men to read who wish to become acquainted with an-
cient History. I would also recommend the reading of Josepheus
the great Jewish Historian it appears to me that no man can
read with indiference His account of the siege of Jerrusalem
by the Roman Army the destruction of their city & Temple their
captivity & dispersion among the Gentiles Nations Here in the
siege of Jerrusalem over one million of Jews perished inby the sword
famine, pestilence, & fire. I would also refer to the History of Greece
& Rome & Modern Europe & America or the History of any
Nation and ask how have we obtained the History of those
Nations, Kingdom & Countrys. you may say that Historians
have handed those things down unto us, But How have Historians
obtained materials from which to compile therire History?
I answer From the scribes, reporters, & Journalists who wrote
day by day Events as they passed before there Eyes and this
class of men forms the foundation of all History and from
there Material, Historians who live hundreds of years after
Events transpire will compile History. But without material
Historians cannot make History or any thing Else.

I will call your attention to what is called sacred or Bibli-
cal History. Moses wrote the first five Books viz JGenesis Exiodus
Leviticus, Numbers, & Dieuteronomy. But He gives but vary little
History of the Early ages of man. We have a revelation in the
doctrins & covenants page 79 which says that "three years before
the death of Adam He called Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel,
Jared Enoch & Methuselah all who were High Priests with
the residue of his posterity who were righteous into the valley
of Adam Ondi Ahman and there bestowed upon them his
last Blessing and the Lord appeared unto them and they rose

"up & blessed Adam and called him Michael the Prince the
Archangel and the Lord administered comfort unto Adam
and said unto him I have set thee to be at the Head a multitude of
Nations shall come of thee and thou art a prince over them
forever." "And Adam stood up in the midst of the congregation
and Notwithstanding he was bowed down with age being full of
the Holy Ghost predicted whatsoever should befall his posterity
unto the latest generation." [Doctrine and Covenants 107:55-56] THere was Adam and seven
of his sons all Aged Patriarchs who lived over nine
hundred years Except Mahalealel who lacked five years
of Being Nine hundred years of age [Genesis 5:16]. Enoch was 365 years of
age when he was Translated [Genesis 5:23] Here was that great & glorious
meeting of those old Patriarchs and all the History we have of it
those great Prophesies of Adam concerning what should
befal his posterity to the End of time is given to us in a few
lines whare is there a latter day Saints who would not be
glad to read the Journal & History of that great Event.

Abramham and the later Patriarchs & Prophets have left
to the world by there Journals and sacred records some
History of the dealings of God with them. But there records
were kept upon parchment & papyrus written in
Egyptian, Arabic, Chaldecic and Hebrew, mingled with
many Hieroglyphics in order to convey their ideas &
principles to future generations, some of which have
been translated into the English language by the order
of King James which now forms the Bible. But what
a small History the Bible is of the dealings of God for
4000 years with the Nations of the Earth.

Christ came in the meridian of time to Esstablish the gospel
& Kingdom of God upon the Earth. He organized the Church, chose
Twelve Apostles also Seventies & set the Church in order with
all the gifts graces and blessings. He administered the ordinances
of the gospel, wrought many miracles and finished the work He
was sent to do. But Jesus Christ with all the Saints had to contend
with the world the flesh and the devel & Jew & Gentile and
the world overcome them and put them to death and the Church

of Christ disappeared with that generation. What is the History
of that generation, it is vary short. The four Evangelist
Mathew, Mark, Luke & John, gives the History Biirth life and
death of the sSaviour. as near as we can learn Luke kept
the Journals & done most of the writing He recorded the Acts
of the Apostles. Then Paul wrote his Epistles to the various
churches. Then James wrote one short Epistles. Then Peter
wrote two short Epistles about as much as one of our
reporters would write in one short discourse. Then Jude
wrote one short chapter. Then John the Revelator when
he was Banished to the Isle of Patmos under the reign
of Domician Cezar wrote his Revelations after He was
recalled under the reign of Nervya He wrote his three
Epistles, this maks 8 writers in the New Testam[en]t
and there testimony was vary limited, also their writings
as far as they have come to us, at least when we take into
consideration the great work which they performed

The ancient Jaredites and Nephites who inhabited this con-
tinent were commanded of God to write their history upon
Brass & Gold Plates which were hid up in the Earth to come forth
in our day to be translated by the Prophet Joseph through the power
of God for the benefit of the Saints. This forms the Book of Mormon
and is the purest translation of ancient records that we
have any knowledge of upon Earth yet this record gives but
a limited Idea of the dealings of God with that People yet
what we have obtained was by strict commandment of God.
But let us turn our thoughts a moment to our own day. I
need not tell you that this is the kingdom of God. Esstablished
by God Himself which is to take the place of all other kingdoms
upon Earth and we are the People ordained of God to esstab-
lish his kingdom upon the Earth, build up Zion and prepare
the way for the coming of Jeussus Christ. Now should we
not keep a Journal, Record, & History of the dealings
of God with [us] as they transpire day by day before our Eyes
we should. This Church & kingdom is organized in all
the fulness of the Holy Priesthood necessary for the

accomplishment of the work of God in this great
and last dispensation of the fulness of times the
Church of Christ has been Esstablished in our day
with Prophets, Apostles, Evangelists, Patriarchs, High Priests
Elders, Bishops, Priests, Teachers, Deacons, Gifts, graces
Revelations and with all the ordinances Necessary for
the salvation of the children of ^men^ Joseph Smith was the
the first Apostle, Prophet, Seer, & Revelator called in
these last days He brought forth the Book of Mormon
and organized the Church of Christ as he was com-
manded by the revelations of Jesus Christ. When
the Twelve Apostles were chosen & ordained The
Prophet Joseph gave them strict instruction to keep a record
of there procedings (See the History of the Church Feb 1835)
The following Extract) "Since the Twelve are now appointed
& chosen I wish to tell them a course which they may
pursue and be benefitted in one point of light of which
perhaps they are not now aware. At all times when
you assemble in the capacity of a council to transact
business let the oldest preside and let one or more be appo-
inted to keep a record of your proceedings, and on the
decision of Every important decission item let it be what it may
let such descision be noted down and they will ever afterwords
remain upon record as LAW, covenant, & doctrin.
Questions thus decided might at the time appear unimportant
but should they be recorded and one of you lay hands upon
them afterwards you might finds them of infinate worth
not ownly to your Brethren but a feast to your own souls"
Many other remarks were made at the same time. The Prophet
Joseph always recommended the priesthood to keep a rec-
ord of all their Official acts, and among his last letters to
the Church before he was slain he urges upon the Church
to be particular in there records of the Baptizesms for
the dead
to be vary particular in there records of there
official acts, that what they bound on Earth should be bound
in heaven and what they loosed on Earth should be loosed

in heaven, and what you record on Earth shall be recorded
in Heaven [Doctrine and Covenants 128:8]. President Brigham Young has also carried out the
same Principle since He has been president of the Church, in all
of our ordinances, Endowments, sealings, and official acts He
wishes us to be particular in recording the same. This Church
is organized with a presidency of 3 men the Twelve Apostles
also 63 Quorums of Seventies 4,410 Apostles & many thousands
of High Priests, Elders, Bishops, Priests, Teachers, & Deacons, all
should keep a Journal of the dealings of God with them and
there officials acts, and keep a true History of Events in this
great dispensation. I was inspired & moved upon to write a
Journal & keep a record of the affairs of this Church from the
time I first Joined this Church up to the Presient time. I seldom
Ever heard the Prophet Joseph, or Brigham Young or the Apostles
teach preach or Prophesy or perform any official act but
what I have recorded it imn my Journals unless some other
persons were recording the same, and I could not feel Easy
untill I had accomplished it I have written more sacred
History of the teaching of the prophets & Apostles & official acts
of the Latter day Sants than would make several Testim[en]ts
as large as the one Handed down to us by the Ancient Apostles
I have kept a Journal of almost Evry day of my life since
I have been a member of this Church By refering to my Journals
I could tell Each day what I have done, the company I have been
in, and what was transpiring around me, and any council and
Teaching From the Presidency or Twelve Except whare I know
there were reporters recording the same. I have urged this same
course upon the Twelve & the other Quorums of the Church to keep
a record of there meetings & the dealings of God with them and
for all men who bear the Holy Pristhood to keep a record of
their lives or Esspecially of there official Acts, in the Church
and kingdom of God. Some may say this is a great deal of
trouble But we should not call any thing trouble which brings
to pass good. I consider that portion of my life which has been
spent in keeping Journals & writing History to have been vary
profitably spent. For instance the Lord gives unto us the Holy

Priestood and we are sent on a mission to the Nations of
the Earth, we go & Preach the gospel & bring many into the Church
and the Power of the Holy Ghost rest upon us. We heal the
seick, cast out devils, command the Elements & they obey
us & the Lord gives unto us dreams visions & revelations
and many Blessings should we not have respect Enough
to gGod to make a record of those Blessings which He pours
out upon us and Our official acts which we do in his
name upon the face of the Earth I think we should.

For an Example we embrace in our faith the belief that
the Ten Tribes of Israel will return from the North country
unto Zion in the last days suppose that those Israelites should
come to Zion in our day Led by the Holy Prophets of God
what would be one of the first questions we would ask
them, it would be, whare are your records show is [us]
your History we want to read an account of the dealings
of the Lord with you since you were led away under
Shalmanezar king of Asyria [2 Kings 18:9-11] But what would be
our disappointment if they should ^say^ O we have not
kept any record or account of the great & mighty works
of God among our tribes for many generations, we
have herd our Fathers say that thet Lord had done many
great & marvelous works in there day we have also had
great Blessings while on our Journey to Zion from the North
country. The mountains o Ice flowed down before us and
there was a Highway cast up for us to walke in as there was
to Israel when they came out of Egypt into the land of Cainan
[Joshua 3:16-17] and the Nations Trembled at our presence but we did not keep
a record of these things we did not think any body would
be particularly interested in it but ourselves. should we not
be greatly disappointed at such information we should &
so would it be with them when they come to Zion & Enquire
for the History of this Church & kingdom if we were to tell
them that we had not kept any History of the rise & progress
of the Church. But instead of neglecting this branch of our
work let Evry man who can keep a Journal & record

Events as they pass before our Eyes day by day, this will make a valua-
ble legacy to our children as and well a great Benefit to future gener-
ations by giving them a true History of the rise & progress of
the Church & kingdom of God upon the Earth in this last dispen-
sation instead of leaving it to our Enemies to write a fals History
of the true Church of Christ. Brethren and sisters we are making
History every day let that History be good let us do the works of
righteousness that when our acts are recorded we shall be satisfied
with them Either in time or Eternity I ask these Blessings in the
Name of Jesus Christ Amen

I was followed by Judge Phelps who read two chapters of his new
translation from the bible He made some remarks upon his Early days


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

246 mentions
Scriptural Figure
297 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Young, Brigham
1 Jun 1801 - 29 Aug 1877
3469 mentions
Apostle, Family
8 mentions
Scriptural Figure
4 mentions
Historical Figure
Domitian of Rome
24 Oct 0051 - 18 Sep 0096
5 mentions
Historical Figure
86 mentions
Scriptural Figure
13 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Flavius Josephus
abt. 37-100 AD
9 mentions
Historical Figure
James I of England
19 Jun 1566 - 27 Mar 1625
12 mentions
Historical Figure
12 mentions
Scriptural Figure
180 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Smith, Joseph (Jr.)
23 Dec 1805 - 27 Jun 1844
3 mentions
Scriptural Figure
4 mentions
Scriptural Figure
13 mentions
Scriptural Figure
3 mentions
Scriptural Figure
2 mentions
Scriptural Figure
29 mentions
Scriptural Figure
29 mentions
Scriptural Figure
210 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Nerva of Rome
abt. 30-98 AD
3 mentions
Historical Figure
119 mentions
Scriptural Figure
15 mentions
Scriptural Figure
4 mentions
Scriptural Figure
Phelps, William Wines
17 Feb 1792 - 7 Mar 1872


View selected quotes from this page in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

I think it more profitable for the saints to meet together to hear lectures delivered upon the arts & scien- ces and various principles than to spend so much time in danceing and light amusement.
~ Wilford Woodruff
History is given under two general Heads viz Sacred and profane and as spiritual and temporal things are inseparably connected, so is sacred & profane History many times is vary closely connected together.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I would also recommend the reading of Josepheus the great Jewish Historian it appears to me that no man can read with indiference His account of the siege of Jerrusalem by the Roman Army the destruction of their city & Temple their captivity & dispersion among the Gentiles Nations. Here in the siege of Jerrusalem over one million of Jews perished inby the sword famine, pestilence, & fire.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Rollins compiled an Elaberate History of the ancient Medes, Persians Asyrians, Babylonians, & Caldeans. He gives a History of their government customs Literature & Laws but more Esspecially of their wars. I would recommend this History for our yound men to read who wish to become acquainted with an- cient History.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I would also refer to the History of Greece & Rome & Modern Europe & America or the History of any Nation and ask how have we obtained the History of those Nations, Kingdom & Countrys, you may say that Historians have handed those things down unto us, But How have Historians obtained materials from which to compile theire History. I answer From the scribes, reporters, & Journalists who wrote day by day Events as they passed before there Eyes and this class of men forms the foundation of all History and from there Material, Historians who live hundreds of years after Events transpire will compile History. But without material Historians cannot make History or any thing Else.
~ Wilford Woodruff
THere was Adam and seven of his sons all Aged Patriarchs who lived over nine hundred years Except Mahalealel who lacked five years of Being Nine hundred years of age. Enoch was 365 years of age when he was Translated. Here was that great & glorious meeting of those old Patriarchs and all the History we have of it those great Prophesies of Adam concerning what should befal his posterity to the End of time is given to us in a few lines whare is there a latter day Saints who would not be glad to read the Journal & History of that great Event. Abramham and the later Patriarchs & Prophets have left to the world by there Journals and sacred records some History of the dealings of God with them. But there records were kept upon parchment & papyrus written in Egyptian, Arabic, Chaldecic and Hebrew, mingled with many Hieroglyphics in order to convey their ideas & principles to future generations, some of which have been translated into the English language by the order of King James which now forms the Bible. But what a small History the Bible is of the dealings of God for 4000 years with the Nations of the Earth.
~ Wilford Woodruff
Christ Came in the meridian of time to Esstablish the gospel & Kingdom of God upon the Earth. He organized the Church, chose Twelve Apostles also Seventies & set the Church in order with all the gifts graces and blessings. He administered the ordinances of the gospel, wrought many miracles and finished the work He was sent to do. But Jesus Christ with all the saints had to contend with the world the flesh and the devel & Jew & Gentile and the world overcome them and put them to death and the Church
~ Wilford Woodruff
of Christ disappeared with that generation. What is the History of that generation, it is vary short. The four Evangelist Mathew, Mark, Luke & John, gives the History Biirth life and death of the sSaviour. as near as we can learn Luke kept the Journals & done most of the writing He recorded the Acts of the Apostles. Then Paul wrote his Epistles to the various churches. Then James wrote one short Epistles. Then Peter wrote two short Epistles about as much as one of our reporters would write in one short discourse. Then Jude wrote one short chapter. Then John the Revelator when he was Banished to the Isle of Patmos, Greece under the reign of Domician Cezar wrote his Revelations after He was recalled under the reign of Nervya He wrote his three Epistles, this maks 8 writers in the New Testament and there testimony was vary limited, also their writings as far as they have come to us, at least when we take into consideration the great work which they performed
~ Wilford Woodruff
The ancient Jaredites and Nephites who inhabited this con- tinent were commanded of God to write their history upon Brass & Gold Plates which were hid up in the Earth to come forth in our day to be translated by the Prophet Joseph through the power of God for the benefit of the Saints. This forms the Book of Mormon and is the purest translation of ancient records that we have any knowledge of upon Earth yet this record gives but a limited Idea of the dealings of God with that People yet what we have obtained was by strict commandment of God. But let us turn our thoughts a moment to our own day. I need not tell you that this is the kingdom of God, Esstablished by God Himself which is to take the place of all other kingdoms upon Earth and we are the People Ordained of God to Esstab- lish his kingdom upon the Earth, build up Zion and prepare the way for the coming of Jeussus Christ. Now should we not keep a Journal, Record, & History of the dealings of God with [us] as they transpire day by day before our Eyes we should.
~ Wilford Woodruff
This Church & Kingdom is organized in all the fulness of the Holy Priesthood necessary for the
~ Wilford Woodruff
accomplishment of the work of God in this great and last dispensation of the fulness of times the Church of Christ has been Esstablished in our day with Prophets,Apostles, Evangelists, Patriarchs, High Priests Elders, Bishops, Priests, Teachers, Deacons, Gifts, graces Revelations and with all the ordinances Necessary for the salvation of the Children of ^men^ Joseph Smith was the the first Apostle, Prophet, Seer, & Revelator called in these last days He brought forth theBook of Mormon and organized the Church of Christ as he was com- manded by the Revelations of Jesus Christ. When the Twelve Apostles were chosen & ordained. The Prophet Joseph gave them strict instruction to keep a record of there procedings (see the History of the Church Feb 1835) The following Extract) "Since the Twelve are now appointed & chosen I wish to tell them a course which they may pursue and be benefitted in one point of light of which perhaps they are not now aware. At all times when you assemble in the capacity of a council to transact business let the oldest preside and let one or more be app- ointed to keep a record of your proceedings, and on the decision of Every important decision item let it be what it may let such descision be noted own and they will ever afterwords remain upon record as LAW, Covenant, & doctrin. Questions thus decided might at the time appear unimportant but should they be recorded and one of you lay hands upon them afterwards you might find them of infinate worth not ownly to your Brethren but a feast to your own souls" Many other remarks were made at the same time. The Prophet Joseph always recommended the priesthood to keep a rec- ord of all their Official acts, and among his last letters to the Church before he was slain he urges upon the Church to be particular in there records of the Baptisms for the dead to be vary particular in there records of there official acts, that what they bound on Earth should be bound in heaven and what they loosed on Earth should be loosed
~ Wilford Woodruff
in heaven, and what you record on Earth shall be recorded in Heaven. President Brigham Young has also carried out the same Principle since He has been president of the Church, in all of our ordinances, Endowments, sealings and official acts He wishes us to be particular in recording the same.
~ Wilford Woodruff
This Church is organized with a presidency of 3 men the Twelve Apostles also 63 Quorums of Seventies 4,410, Apostles & many thousands of High Priests, Elders, Bishops, Priests, Teachers, & Deacons all should keep a Journal of the dealings of God with them and there officials acts, and keep a true History of Events in this great dispensation.
~ Wilford Woodruff
in heaven, and what you record on Earth shall be recorded in Heaven. President Brigham Young has also carried out the same Principle since He has been president of the Church, in all of our ordinances, Endowments, sealings and official acts He wishes us to be particular in recording the same.
~ Wilford Woodruff
I was inspired & moved upon to write a Journal & keep a record of the affairs of this Church from the time I first Joined this Church up to the Presient time. I seldom Ever heard the Prophet Joseph, or Brigham Young, or the Apostles teach preach or Prophesy or perform any official act but what I have recorded it in my Journals unless some other persons were recording the same, and I could not feel Easy untill I had accomplished it. I have written more sacred History of the teaching of the prophets & Apostles & official acts of the Latter day Sants than would make several Testiments as large as the one Handed down to us by the Ancient Apostles I have kept a Journal of almost Evry day of my life since I have been a member of this Church. By refering to my Journals I could tell Each day what I have done, the company I have been in, and what was transpiring around me, and any council and Teaching From the Presidency or Twelve Except whare I know there were reporters recording the same. I have urged this same course upon the Twelve & the other Quorums of the Church to keep a record of there meetings & the dealings of God with them and for all men who bear the Holy Pristhood to keep a record of their lives or Esspecially of there official Acts in the Church and kingdom of God. Some may say this is a great deal of trouble But we should not call any thing trouble which brings to pass good. I consider that portion of my life which has been spent in keeping Journals & writing History to have been vary profitably spent.
~ Wilford Woodruff
For instance the Lord gives unto us the Holy
~ Wilford Woodruff
Priestood and we are sent on a mission to the Nations of the Earth, we go & Preach the gospel & bring many into the Church and the Power of the Holy Ghost rest upon us. We heal the sick, cast out devils, command the Elements & they obey us & the Lord gives unto us dreams visions & Revelations and many Blessings should we not have respect Enough to God to make a record of those Blessings which He pours out upon us and Our official acts which we do in his name upon the face of the Earth I think we should. For an Example we Embrace in our faith the belief that the Ten Tribes of Israel will return from the North Country unto Zion in the last days suppose that those Israelites should come to Zion in our day Led by the Holy Prophets of God what would be one of the first questions we would ask them, it would be, whare are your records show is your History we want to read an account of the dealings of the Lord with you since you were led away under Shalmanezar king of Asyria But what would be our disappointment if they should ^say^ O we have not kept any record or account of the great & mighty works of God among our tribes for many generations we have herd our Fathers say that that Lord had done many great & marvelous works in there day. We have also had great Blessings while on our Journey to Zion from the North Country. The mountains o Ice flowed down before us and there was a Highway cast up for us to walke in as there was to Israel when they came out of Egypt into the land of Cainan and the Nations Trembled at our presence but we did not keep a record of these things we did not think any body would be particularly interested in it but ourselves, should we not be greatly disappointed at such information we should & so would it be with them when they come to Zion & Enquire for the History of this church & kingdom if we were to tell them that we had not kept any History of the rise & progress of the Church. But instead of neglecting this branch of our work let Evry man who can keep a Journal & record
~ Wilford Woodruff
Events as they pass before our Eyes day by day, this will make a valua- ble legacy to our children as and well a great Benefit to future gener- ations by giving them a true History of the rise & progress of the Church & kingdom of God upon the Earth in this last dispen- sation instead of leaving it to our Enemies to write a fals History of the true Church of Christ. Brethren and sisters we are making History Every day let that History be good let us do the works of righteousness that when our acts are recorded we shall be satisfied with them Either in time or Eternity I ask these Blessings in the Name of Jesus Christ Amen
~ Wilford Woodruff


View selected events in the two months surrounding this date in Wilford Woodruff's life. Click on the dates to jump to that day in Wilford Woodruff's journal.

Council (Legislature) of the State of Deseret meets simultaneously with Utah Territorial Legislature.

Feb 12, 1862