"up & blessed Adam and called him Michael the Prince the
Archangel and the Lord administered comfort unto Adam
and said unto him I have set thee to be at the Head a multitude of
Nations shall come of thee and thou art a prince over them
forever." "And Adam stood up in the midst of the congregation
and Notwithstanding he was bowed down with age being full of
the Holy Ghost predicted whatsoever should befall his posterity
unto the latest generation." [Doctrine and Covenants 107:55-56] THere was Adam and seven
of his sons all Aged Patriarchs who lived over nine
hundred years Except Mahalealel who lacked five years
of Being Nine hundred years of age [Genesis 5:16]. Enoch was 365 years of
age when he was Translated [Genesis 5:23] Here was that great & glorious
meeting of those old Patriarchs and all the History we have of it
those great Prophesies of Adam concerning what should
befal his posterity to the End of time is given to us in a few
lines whare is there a latter day Saints who would not be
glad to read the Journal & History of that great Event.
Abramham and the later Patriarchs & Prophets have left
to the world by there Journals and sacred records some
History of the dealings of God with them. But there records
were kept upon parchment & papyrus written in
Egyptian, Arabic, Chaldecic and Hebrew, mingled with
many Hieroglyphics in order to convey their ideas &
principles to future generations, some of which have
been translated into the English language by the order
of King James which now forms the Bible. But what
a small History the Bible is of the dealings of God for
4000 years with the Nations of the Earth.
Christ came in the meridian of time to Esstablish the gospel
& Kingdom of God upon the Earth. He organized the Church, chose
Twelve Apostles also Seventies & set the Church in order with
all the gifts graces and blessings. He administered the ordinances
of the gospel, wrought many miracles and finished the work He
was sent to do. But Jesus Christ with all the Saints had to contend
with the world the flesh and the devel & Jew & Gentile and
the world overcome them and put them to death and the Church
"Up & blessed Adam and called him Michael the Prince the
Archangel and the Lord administered comfort unto Adam
and said unto him I have set thee to be at the Head a multitude of
Nations shall come of thee and thou art a prince over them
forever." "And Adam stood up in the midst of the congregation
and Notwithstanding he was bowed down with age being full of
the Holy Ghost predicted whatsoever should befall his posterity
unto the latest generation."Here was Adam and seven
of his sons all Aged Patriarchs who lived over nine
hundred years Except Mahalalel who lacked five years
of Being Nine hundred years of age. Enoch was 365 years of
age when he was Translated. Here was that great & glorious
meeting of those old Patriarchs and all the History we have of
those great Prophesies of Adam concerning what should
befal his posterity to the End of time is given to us in a few
lines whare is there a latter day Saints who would not be
glad to read the Journal & History of that great Event.
Abraham and the later Patriarchs & Prophets have left
to the world by there Journals and sacred records some
History of the dealings of God with them. But there records
were kept upon parchment & papyrus written in
Egyptian, Arabic, Chaldeic and Hebrew, mingled with
many Hieroglyphics in order to convey their ideas &
principles to future generations, some of which have
been translated into the English language by the order
of King James which now forms the Bible. But what
a small History the Bible is of the dealings of God for
4000 years with the Nations of the Earth.
Christ Came in the meridian of time to Esstablish the gospel
& Kingdom of God upon the Earth. He organized the Church, chose
Twelve Apostles also Seventies & set the Church in order with
all the gifts graces and blessings. He administered the ordinances
of the gospel, wrought many miracles and finished the work He
was sent to do. But Jesus Christ with all the saints had to contend
with the world the flesh and the devel & Jew & Gentile and
the world overcome them and put them to death and the Church
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," February 12, 1862, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 11, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/k5Y5