for this year except curants Apples & Plums Peaches Apricotts & most
of the grapes are killed, and many of the Trees, and it looks as
though we would hardly raise a crop of grain this year
A Brother Charles G. Parkingson arived From Cash valley and
reported that the Indians were vary hostile had stolen some 40 horses
He brought mea letter to President Young I went to his office & herd
it read it was From Bishop Maughn He stated that the Indians had
stolen some $1500 dollars worth of Horses of late & were vary mad
the Brother of Washakah was there & was mad at the Indians for
Doing so. Brother Benson was about to ordain 2 Bishops more
to preside over the several Branches. There was an organization
of 200 men to be ready at a moments warning to follow the
Indians in a moments Notice day or Night in case of Necesity
it was Weber Tom who was at the bottom of it. I called at the
News Office Judge Smith said a boy about 11 years old was on the
parairie west side of Jordon Hunting Horses a man rode up to him with
a vail over his Face and told him to give him the dinner which was
iied [tied] on the back of the mule behind the boy the boy said he would not
give it to him. he then drew a dirk & stabed the mule in the sholder
3 time caught hold of the boys dinner and yerked it off from the saddle
and rode away with his Horse coverd with Foam He was probably a
thief sassociated with a gang of villians who was stealing horses & Mules
~ Saturday
5th we had a cold night a cloudy day. S. M. Blair & J. Ferguson called
in to see us a short time. I called upon President Kimball he was not
at home had gone out for a ride. I called to see Elder Hyde build a stone
Barn. The Eastern Mail came in Brought many papers
~ Sunday
6th Sunday I met with my Quorum at 9 oclok Bishop Hoagland prayed A. O. Smoot was mouth. I attended the meeting at the Tabernacle G. B. Wallace Preached in the forenoon & A.O. SmootPratt in the afternoon
I took supper with Franklin Woodlley & Preached to the 13 ward it
was a vary stormy night it snowed all night
~ Monday
7th There is quite a body of snow on the ground all the Fruit & shade
trees were loaded ready to break down with the weight of snow I
commenced to shake the trees & spent 2 hours in unloading the trees
some broke down it snowed till about 10 oclok & cleared away there
was about 6 inches of snow upon the everage over the earth this morning
I spent the day in the office reading letters
May 4, 1860
for this year except curants Apples & Plums Peaches Apricotts & most
of the grapes are killed, and many of the Trees, and it looks as
though we would hardly raise a crop of grain, this year
A Brother Charles G Parkingson arived From Cash valley and
reported that the Indians were vary hostile had stolen some 40 horses
He broughta letter to President Young I went to his office & herd
it read it was From Bishop Maughn He stated that the Indians had
stolen some $1500 dollars worth of Horses of late & were vary mad
the Brother of Washakah was there & was mad at the Indians for
Doing so. Brother Benson was about to ordain 2 Bishops more
to preside over the several Branches. There was an organization
of 200 men to be ready at a moments warning to follow the
Indians in a moments Notice day or Night in case of Necessity
it was Weber Tom who was at the bottom of it. I called at the
News Office Judge Smith said a boy about 11 years old was on the
prairie west side of Jordon Hunting Horses a man rode up to him with
a vail over his Face and told him to give him the dinner which was
tied on the back of the mule behind the boy the boy said he would not
give it to him, he then drew a dirk & stabed the mule in the sholder
3 time caught hold of the boys dinner and yerked it off from the saddle
and rode away with his Horse covered with Foam. He was probably a
thief associated with a gang of villians who was stealing horses & Mules
~ Saturday
5th we had a cold night a cloudy day S. M. Blair & J. Ferguson called
in to see us a short time I called upon President Kimball he was not
at home had gone out for a ride. I called to see Elder Hyde build a stone
Barn. The Eastern Mail came in Brought many Papers
~ Sunday
6th Sunday I met with my Quorum at 9 oclok Bishop Hoagland prayed
A. O. Smoot was mouth. I attended the meeting at the TabernacleG. B. Wallace Preached in the forenoon & O.Pratt in the afternoon
I took supper with Franklin Woolley & Preached to the 13 ward it
was a vary stormy night it snowed all night
~ Monday
7th There is quite a body of snow on the ground all the Fruit & shade
trees were loaded ready to break down with the weight of snow I
commenced to shake the trees & spent 2 hours in unloading the trees
some broke down it snowed till about 10 oclok & cleared away there
was about 6 inches of snow upon the average over the earth this morning
I spent the day in the office reading letters
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," May 4, 1860 - May 7, 1860, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025,