10. The Presidency returned home this Evening I spent the
day at home & attended the club at night I watered my
garden, thin[ne]d out carrot's sold T D Brown 2 bushels of Apples for
$10, sent one load of wheat to Mill & a load of wool to Machine
I was introduced on Saturday the 8 to Judge Titus.
~ Tuesday
11th I wrote a letter to Hon Isaac Newton concerning the
crops of Utah. I spent the afternoon picking Apples I picked
12 Bushels for 11 purchaces who wished to take them to the mines
~ Wednesday
12th I spent the forenoon at home I picked several Bushels of Apples
and 1 Bushel of peaches for market. A man by the name of Briggs
Professes to have been sent out by young Joseph as one of his
Twelve Apostles. He had an interview yesterday with President Brigham Young. J. V. Long reported the conversation. President
Young told him that he should not assist him to get a room
to preach in or to advocate his doctrins for they were fals
~ Thursday
13. I spent the day at home at work in my garden. I sent
President Young a Basket of Peaches
~ Friday
14 I spent most of the day at home I spent the Evening at the Office I read in the Mailennial Star of July 15 stating that Wilford Woodruff jr & 10 others named arived in Liverpool
on the 17 July, on the steam ship City of Cork that they
were in good health & had the spirit of the Lord. Bishop Dives in
the 14 ward hads been tried for steeling ofIron of John Taylor & others
was fined $360 for the Iron taken of John Taylor & is now on trial
for stealing Iron of Standingsh & others
~ Saturday
15. I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House, all the Presidency were
present. D. H. Wells sealed 20 couple ^gave endowments to 45^
~ Sunday
16. ^Sunday^ I met with my CQuorum in the morning I prayed Bishop Hunter
was Mouth. I attended meeting all day Vancott & Stanes preached
teeth & this being my first day that I attempted to talk in
them I found it rather difficult to speak in them
~ Sunday
9. Sunday I attended meeting all day in the TabernacleJoseph W. Young, W Young spoke
in the morning & John Taylor & W Woodruff in the afternoon
I met in the Evening with John Taylor & G A Smith for prayer
W Woodruff Prayed & G A Smith was mouth
~ Monday
10. The Presidency returned home this Evening I spent the
day at home & attended the club at night I watered my
garden, thind out carrot's sold T D Brown 2 bushels of Apples for
$10, sent one load of wheat to Mill & a load of wool to Machine
I was introduced on Saturday the 8 to Judge Titus.
~ Tuesday
11th [FIGURE] I wrote a letter to Hon Isaac Newton concerning the
crops of Utah. I spent the afternoon picking Apples I picked
12 Bushels for 11 puchases who wished to take them to the mines
~ Wednesday
12th I spent the forenoon at home I picked several Bushels of Apples
and 1 Bushel of peaches for market. A man by the name of Briggs
Professes to have been sent out by young Joseph as one of his
Twelve Apostles. He had an interview yesterday with President
Brigham YoungJ. V. Long reported the conversation. President
Young told him that he should not assist him to get a room
to preach in or to advocate his doctrins for they were fals
~ Thursday
13. I spent the day at home at work in my garden. I sent
President Young a Basket of Peaches
~ Friday
14 I spent most of the day at home I spent the Evening at the
Office I read in the Milennial Star of July 15 stating that
Wilford Woodruff jr & 10 others named arived in Liverpool
On the 17 July, on the steam ship City of Cork that they
were in good health & had the spirit of the Lord. Bishop Dives in
the 14 ward has been tried for steelingIron of John Taylor & others
was fined $360 for the Iron taken of John Taylor & is now on trial
for stealing Iron of Standish & others
~ Saturday
15. I spent the forenoon in the Endowment House, all the Presidency were
present. D. H. Wells sealed 20 couple
~ Sunday
16. Sunday I met with myQuorum in the morning I prayed Bishop Hunter
was Mouth. I attended meeting all day Vancott & Stanes Preached
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," August 8, 1863 - August 16, 1863, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 24, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Q1DL