Henry Gibson ^Peter Wahlen abought 25 years of age 6 feet 2 inches High^ through the Head and He fell dead then Morris was shot dead through the Heart and John Banks was
shot through the throughtat supposed mortally they then
surrendered as prisioners they then surrendred themselves up
prisioners 1 [blank] Man
~ Monday
16 Brother Briant Stringham arived this morning & brought
the news of the surrender last Evening and He brought the
septure & crown of Joseph Morris the fals Prophet and two
other septres, the septre of Morris was 5 feet in length the botton was
8 square run to a point tiped with Iron 10 inches of the midd[l]e was
8 square upon which was written in the different letters the following words
(To All Nations and People, Off All Languages that
now dwell upon the Earth. Be it known unto you, That I am
sent by the Great King of Kings and Lord of Lords to
rule over all Adams Posterity and being his Representative
I hold in my hand this Emblem of Power unto which all
the Nations and Kingdoms of the Earth, Must bow for I am
the Legitimate Ruler over all the Earth And my Authority
is sanctioned by the first God. Therefore I hold in my hand
an Emblem of Power to represent His septre which will
shortly be Given unto me. I Am Joseph Morris President
of the Melchisedec Priesthood.)
On the End of the septre was a Ball 15 inches in circumference
They also brought two other smaller septres One containing
the following words (Behold I am Daniel Smith Even
Number 7Seven and I present myself with this rod in my
Hand before this people and also before all mankind in the
stead of the seventh first born son of Adam, to Represent
or foreshawdow his name Number and inscription He being
the seventh ruler over all Abrahams seed Even over the
Elect of God) The other septre contained the same as the one
above ownly it said Behold I am Hugh Park Even Number five.
The Crown was tin painted yellow, with red cloth stufed inside
with a small wooden top with a wooden botton with a tin tube to put
a stick in to carry around. The whole concern shows to what
Extent fals Prophets & fanaticism will go these things were
[FIGURE] Peter Wahlen abought 25 years of age 6 feet 2 inches High through the Head and He fell dead then
Morris was shot dead through the Heart and John Banks was
shot through the throat supposed mortally they then
surrendered as prisioners they then surrendered themselves up
prisioners. 1 [blank] Man
~ Monday
16 Brother Briant Stringham arived this morning & brought
the news of the surrender last Evening and He brought the
septure & crown of Joseph Morris the fals Prophet and two
other septres, the septre of Morris was 5 feet in length the botton was
8 square run to a point tiped with Iron 10 inches of the middle was
8 square upon which was written in the different letters the following words
(To All Nations and People, Off All Languages that
now dwell upon the Earth. Be it known unto you, That I am
sent by the Great King of Kings and Lord of Lords to
rule over all Adams Posterity and being his Representative
I hold in my hand this Emblem of Power unto which all
the Nations and Kingdoms of the Earth, Must bow for I am
the Legitimate Ruler over all the Earth And my Authority
is sanctioned by the first God. Therefore I hold in my hand
an Emblem of Power to represent His septre which will
shortly be Given unto me. I Am Joseph Morris President
of the Melchisedec Priesthood.)
On the End of the septre was a Ball 15 inches in circumference
They also brought two other smaller septres One containing
the following words (Behold I am Daniel Smith Even
NumberSeven and I present myself with this rod in my
Hand before this people and also before all mankind in the
stead of the seventh first born son of Adam, to Represent
or foreshadow his name Number and inscription He being
the seventh ruler over all Abrahams seed Even over the
Elect of God) The other septre contained the same as the one
above ownly it said Behold I am Hugh Park Even Number five.
The Crown was tin painted yellow, with red cloth stufed inside
with a small wooden top with a wooden botton with a tin tube to put
a stick in to carry around. The whole concern shows to what
Extent fals Prophets & fanaticism will go these things were
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," June 15, 1862 - June 16, 1862, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/qjyG