A cold morning I visited President Young and asked him if
He had any council to give R. Burtonany concerning the
execution of Jason Luce Tuesday he said no not one word
He knows what to do. it will want to be done in Private. I visited
Brother Burton. Then in company with E. F. Sheets & Wm C Stanes
we rode to Farmington in a sleigh & stoped for the night at Ezra Clark's. We Attended a party at the Court House in the
evening. Presidents Young Kimball & Wells were president we broke
up about 10 oclok 16 miles
~ Saturday
9. Saturunday We met at the New Meeting House built by the Saints in the Town of Farmington for the purpose of Dedicating
it unto God. President Brigham Young called the Meeting to order
we then had signging and I was called upon to offer up the dedica-
tion Prayer I dedicated the House from the foundation to the
Top thereof nameing every thing I could think of in the Building
& the ground upon which it stood. at the close we had sing-
ing then President Young spoke to the people a short time followed by
President Kimball. We then had an intermission of one
hour after which I spoke to the people 30 minuts followed By E T. Benson 15 minutes followed by Brother Folsome. H. S. Eldridge
& President Young closed & told the Mechanics that He had
advised them for years to make their Bins & get wheat for
there labor & lay it up & they had not done & now he did
not care what they had to pay for bread.
We had a Meeting in the Evening, when Elders O HydeJ. Taylor
& E. Snow spoke to the people
~ Sunday
10. Sunday We Met at 10 oclok Joseph W YoungJoseph A
Young, & Brother Ship spoke in the forenoon. In the Afternoon Wm C Stanes ^D. H. Wells^ H. C. Kimball spoke to the people & President Brigham Young made the last speech & gave vary good Advise
He told us how to have peace in our families. We should never
let our families see us mad we should always be kind & mild
with them & do what was right & not neglect our Prayers toor to ask a Blessing at the Table, but set a good example before
our families. He said that the sin of omission would lead to
the sin of commission. He Blessed the Assembly & we returned to G. S. L. C. 36m[iles]
~ Friday
Jan 8, 1864
A Cold morning I visited President Young and asked him if
He had any council to give R. Burton concerning the
Execution of Jason Luce Tuesday he said no not one word
He knows what to do. it will want to be done in Private. I visited
Brother Burton. Then in company with E. F. Sheets & Wm C Stanes
we rode to Farmington in a sleigh & stoped for the night at
Ezra Clark's. We attended a Party at the Court House in the
Evening. Presidents Young Kimball & Wells were present we broke
up about 10 oclok 16 miles
~ Saturday
9. Sunday we met at the New Meeting House built by the saints
[FIGURE] in the Town of Farmington for the purpose of Dedicating
it unto God Presidet Brigham Young called the Meeting to order
we then had singing and I was called upon to offer up the dedication Prayer I dedicated the House from the foundation to the
Top thereof nameing Every thing I could think of in the Building
& the ground upon which it stood. at the close we had singing then Presidet Young spoke to the people a short time followed by
Presidet Kimball. we then had an intermission of one
hour after which I spoke to the people 30 minuts followed by
E T. Benson 15 minutes followed by Brother Fulsome. H. S. Eldridge
& President Young closed & told the Mechanics that He had
advised them for years to make their Bins & get wheat for
there labor & lay it up & they had not done & now he did
not care what they had to pay for bread.
We had a Meeting in the Evening, when Elders O HydeJ. Taylor
& E. Snow spoke to the people
~ Sunday
10. Sunday We Met at 10 oclok Joseph W YoungJoseph A
Young, & Brother Ship spoke in the forenoon. In the Afternoon
Wm C StanesD. H. WellsH. C. Kimball spoke to the people & President
Brigham Young made the last speech & gave vary good Advise
He told us how to have peace in our families. We should never
let our families see us mad we should always be kind & mild
with them & do what was right & not neglect our Prayers
or to ask a Blessing at the Table, but set a good Example before
our families He said that the sin of Omission would lead to
the sin of commission. He Blessed the Assembly & we returned to G.S.L.C. 36miles
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"Journal (January 1, 1860 – October 22, 1865)," January 8, 1864 - January 10, 1864, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 17, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/Wn3v