to build unto Him an House to prepair them with ^for the^ ordinances
endowments washings anointings &c
One of the ordinances of the House of
the Lord is baptism for the dead. God decreed
before the foundation of the world that this ordinance
should be administered in an House prepared for that
If a man obtains the fulness of the Gospel
he must get it in the same way that Jesus obtained it and
that was by keeping all the ordinances of the House of
the Lord
Men will say I will never forsake you
but will stand by you at all times yet the moment you
teach them some of the mysteries of God that are retained
in the heavens and are to be revealed to the children of
men when they are prepared that moment they will be the
first to stone you and put you to death. It was upon
the same principle and the same spirit which crucified
the Lord Jesus Christ"
will say something about the Spirits
in . There has been much said upon the words
of Jesus to the "Thief on the Cross" saying "This day thou
shalt be with me in Paradise [Luke 23:43]
The Comentators and Translators make
Jesus to say Paradise. But what is Par[adise]? It is
a modern word and does not answer at all to the original
which Jesus used. There is nothing in the original of any
language signifying Paradise. But it was "This day I will
be with thee in the " and will teach thee or
answer thy inquiries. The "Theif on the Cross" was to be
with Jesus Christ in the world of Spirits. He did not say
Paradise or heaven.
The ^Refer^ doctrine of Baptism for the Dead
is clearly shown in the New Testament and if the doctrine
is not good then throw away the New Testament but if it
is the Word of God then let the doctrine be acknowledged
of God
It was one of the reasons why Jesus said to the
to build unto Him an House to prepair them for the ordinances
endowments washings anointings &c
One of the ordinances of the House of
the Lord is baptism for the dead. God decreed
before the foundation of the world that this ordinance
should be administered in an House prepared for that
If a man obtains the fulness of the Gospel
he must get it in the same day that Jesus obtained it and
that was by keeping all the ordinances of the House of
the Lord.
Men will say I will never foresake you
but will stand by you at all times yet the moment you
teach them some of the mysteries of God that are retained
in the heavens and are to be revealed to the children of
men when they are prepared that moment they will be the
first to stone you and put you to death. It was upon
the same principle and the same spirit which crucified
the Lord Jesus Christ"
I will say something about the Spirits
in Prison. there has been much said upon the words
of Jesus to the "Thief on the Cross" saying "This day thou
shalt be with me in Paradise.
The Comentators and Translators make
Jesus to say Paradise. But what is Paradise? It is
a modern word and does not answer at all to the original
which Jesus used. There is nothing in the original of any
language signifying Paradise. But it was "This day I will
be with thee in the world of Spirits" and will teach thee or
answer thy inquiries. The "Theif on the Cross" was to be
with Jesus Christ in the world of Spirits. He did not say
Paradise or heaven.
The Refer doctrine of Baptism for the Dead
is clearly shown in the New Testament and if the doctrine
is not good then throw away the New Testament but if it
is the Word of God then let the doctrine be acknowledged
of God.
It was one of the reasons why Jesus said to the