down from the skies and first salutation was where
did you come from?
This was the first time I had been to
my f wife's parents house without being with me
and I felt like the dove without its mate. But
after conversing till 9 o'clock with mother and
my wife's brother-in-law I prayed with them and
then retired to my chamber and there prayed for my
absent companion and our children.
Next day I rode round the country
with my brother-in-law Fabyan visiting our friends
and relations. I called at Mr and
found Arthur Milliken and his wife the youngest
sister of the Prophet . They were both home
sick for
The next two days passed in
family associations and after spending the evening of
the second day in conversing with Faban,
and mother about Mormonism & I took my light
and went to bed fearing I should no[t] see
but just as I was about to blow the light out a wagon
drove up and I jumped out of bed dressed and was
soon down grasping the hand of my wife's father.
I sat up and talked with him till about 11 o'clock
and I thought both Father and Mother looked no
older than when I saw them before and they were
enjoying excellent health. It seemed quite natural
the next morning to sit at the table with my
wife's parents again but I very much missed
Phebe during this visit. The day after
I took my final call upon my friends and relatives
and bade them adieu and then took the
cars and arrived in that night.
The next day after my return
to Boston I called upon and
^brother^ . In the afternoon I went on
the parade ground and saw the militia in a sham
fight and they made quite a splendid appearance
down from the skies and first salutation was where
did you come from?
This was the first time I had been to
my f 's parents house without Phebe being with me
and I felt like the dove without its mate. But
after conversing till 9 o'clock with mother and
my wife's brother I prayed with them and
then retired to my chamber and there prayed for my
absent companion and our children.
Next day I rode round the country
with my brother-in-law Fabyan visiting our friends
and relations. I called at Mr s and
found Arthur Milliken and his wife the youngest
sister of the Prophet . They were both home
sick for
The next two days passed in
family associations and after spending the evening of
the second day in conversing with Faban,
and mother about Mormonism I took my light
and went to bed fearing I should not see
but just as I was about to blow the light out a wagon
drove up and I jumped out of bed dressed and was
soon down grasping the hand of my wife's father.
I sat up and talked with him till about 11 o'clock
and I thought both Father and Mother looked no
older than when I saw them before and they were
enjoying excellent health. It seemed quite natural
the next morning to sit at the table with my
wife's parents again but I very much missed
Phebe during this visit. The day after
I took my final call upon my friends and relatives
and bade them adieu and then took the
cars and arrived in that night.
The next day after my return
to Boston I called upon and
. In the afternoon I went on
the parade ground and saw the militia in a sham
fight and they made quite a splendid appearance