The meeting was called to order by El. Hyde. the choir sung a hymn. Prayer was made to our Father in heaven after which
the choir sung "The Lord will comfort Zion." W. Woodruff arose & s[ai]d br. sis & friends I arise bef[ore] u with very peculiar observations
& with a heart full of grati[tude] to my H Father—yes I rej[oice] that while the Temple of the Lord stands bef me pointd to heaven.
We live in one of the most important periods since chaos rolled out & if I must have chosen my time to dwell on the
Earth it is the time that we r now in, to live in our age of the world the most important we need no fiction for
reality has spoken in the loudest thunders & we of all want to see from da[y] to da the rise & progress of the Ch[urch]
[o]f the LDS. the many 1000s of S[ain]ts that r now dwell[in]g on the Earth—they have been seekg after this time even in the
days of old.
there r 1000s of S[ain]ts now bef me who have sought the same thing. the Gospel of J C. which he
preached & tried to open the eyes of the Jews that they might see the Gos of their forefathers, & he even gave up his
life in the [FIGURE] [cross]. I have perused the rev[elatio]ns of J. C they were prin[ciples] that r set forth in divine truth. I am like one of
old who s[ai]d Lord they have digged down the altars, &c [1 Kings 18:30] by & by Elijah found there were 1000 of similar S[ain]ts in existence
when I became the El[der] of the LDS. I have heard within the last 12 yrs wt I never expected to see or hear
I have seen & heard the great & grand principles of the Gospel. it is true ye L D S have had to pass thru a
narrow path, & you never co[ul]d rece an exalt if u never walked such a road. have the Bible the B of Mor
& u will find they have had to walk the same road. it was their dom[inion] & exalt. & glories & they overcame
by their works on the Earth—all will centre in a grand focus. let us bear oppression, bec[ause] our lives have
been harassed. others have been in the same way & the reward is at the end of the journey. there has been
a miracle wrought in these days if there never was one bef, in rearing a temple as it were with a sword
in one hand & a trowel in the o[the]r while I have been away in the same labor of love we have sent up our
prayers to our Fa[the]r in heaven in your behalf & we have end[eavore]d to bear off the word of the Lord & we have
not lab[ore]d in vain. the work of the L[or]d has never been more prosperous in England than at this time
we had represented in good standing bet[ween] 11 & 12000 & they r ab[ou]t emigrating to Cal. they have only our
S[ain]ts in England all in union we have pub[lishe]d 3000 D. & Cs & sold 1000 bef I left—I sent the proclamation on to
all the m[embers] of Parl[iament], circulated it in Wales, to the Jewish Rabbis. We have not been idle in the Land
I feel more & more conf[i]d every da[y] of my life & when the report reached us that they were burning out the
S[ain]ts & rather than to shed blood to go to the Rocky mountains it made a revival among them & they felt as a
general thing that it was fulfilling the B of Mor
I feel to say that I rej[oice] in the same faith & prin[ciples] that I
have done for the last few yrs. I dont profess to preach here bec[ause] u have had the Shepherds of Israel to lead u
& that in the B of Mor, D & C & every eternal principle that emanates from God & that we may have
The meeting was called to order by El. Hyde. the Choir sung a hymn. Prayer was made to our Father in heaven after which
The Choir sung "The Lord will comfort Zion" W. Woodruff arose & sd br. sis friends I arise before you with very peculiar adoration
& with a heart full of gratitude to my Heavenly Father—yes I sey that while the Temple of the Lord stands before me anointed to become
we live in one of the most important periods since Chaos rolled out & if I must have chosen my time to dwell on the
Earth it is the time that we are now in, to live in an age of the world the most important we need no fiction for
reality has spoken in the loudest thunders & we of all want to see from day to day the rise & progress of the Church
of the LDS. the many 1000s of Saints that are now dwellg on the Earth. they have been seekg after this time even in the
days of old.
there are 1000s of Saints now before me who have sought the same thing, the Gospel of J C. which he
preached & tried to open the eyes of the Jews that they might see the God of their forefathers, & he even gave up his
life in the FIGURE (cross). I have perused the revelations of J. C they were principles that are set forth in divine truth. I am like one of
old who served Lord they have digged down the altars, &c by & by Elijah found there were 1000 of similar Saints in existence
when I became the Elder of the L D S. I have heard within the last 12 yrs what I never expected to see or hear
I have seen & heard the great & grand principles of the Gospel. it is true ye LDS have had to pass thru a
narrow path, & you never could receive an exaltation if you never walked such a Road. have the Bible the Book of Mormon
& you will find they have had to walk the same road. it was their dominion & exaltation & glories & they overcame
by their works on the Earth. all will centre in an grand focus. let us bear oppression, because our lives have
been harassed. others have been in the same way & the reward is at the end of the journey. there has been
a miracle wrought in these days if there ever was one bef. in rearing a temple as it were with a sword
in one hand & a trowel in the other while I have been away in the same labor of love we have sent up our
prayers to our Father in heaven in your behalf & we have endeavored to bear off the work of the Lord & we have
not labored in vain the work of the Lord has never ben more prosperous in England than at this time
we had represented in good standing ben 11 & 12000 & they r abu emigrating to Cal they have only our
Saints in England all in union we have published 3000 D. & Cs & sold 1000 before I left. I sent the proclamati on to
all the m of Sants, circulated it in Wales. to the Jewish Nobles we have not been idle in the Land
I feel more & more confident every day of my life & when the report reached us that they were burning out the
Saints & rather than to shed blood to go to the Rocky mountains it made a revival among them & they felt as a
general thing that it was fulfilling the Book of Mormon I feel to say that I rejoice in the same faith & principles that I
have done for the last few yrs. I dont profess to preach here because u have had the Shepherds of Israel rvlead in
& that in the Book of Mormon, D & C & every eternal principle that emanates from God & that we may have
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