a stronger connection with our God. I tell you, to have a connection with this pple rather than with the thrones
of the world. try to [illegible] still the trials that ar placed on us remember we ar not alone for we have the
& our fathers. I feel that we have fulfilled the command of God in building in that
u shall have your reward in the Eternal world. I desire u will still act in union & as your grievances
have been laid bef the lamb & have not recd redress now make them known to the great God his
ears r open to the prayers of the Sts & the time will come that we will be perfectly satisfied for the trials that
we have had. this is the 1st time that I have add[resse]d u since the Temple has been built & it may be the
last. I have desired for a long time that priest & pple Jew & Gentile ma[y] understand the principles. I will sa[y]
as once did that he verily thot he was doing God service, & when his eyes were opened he felt for his
kindred & when I see that we have had a good constitution, & an shelter from the storm & when I see a dagger
thrust into the heart of the eagle. I have been ashamed when I have travelled among the crowned heads
of & have been told of the pers[ecutio]n & asked where is your boasted protection, but who can stand
in the end. In America stands in her own light, if the mormons were the only people that wod suffer
it wod not be so much but look at & , & u see the works of ruin over which this land stands
I sa[y] they r here & my own country & my own Gov[ernmen]t will feel it, by & by it will fall on their own heads
when they have s[ai]d Aha Aha &c. Europe is making capital ^out^ of American mobocracy. I rejoice this
morning & have the priv[ilege] of standing this da[y] with my aged in your midst. I rej[oice] . . . seeing so many
of the S[ain]ts who r trying to overcome the world, keep their integrity, let us still be faithful & seek God
let us leave vengeance in the hands of the Lord & I am willing to risk my destiny with this pple & where
this pple lives I will live &c & we r tied by the ties the strongest in nature. I am satisfied with the cause.
as an [illegible]. I have been sufficiently acquainted with the course to remain & sustain every man in his place.
I have tried to fulfil my mission to the best advantage. I will sa[y] that while br stays here I feel
perfectly to coincide with my b[re]t[hre]n the 12 to give counsel. I want my friends to rece[ive] his counsel & let
it be an end of controversy while he remains with us. I am a passenger in your midst. these r the
feelings that I have this morning. the Ld has not forgotten his pple. Zion will yet arrive & clothe
herself in her beautiful garments. I feel that I have got a little glimpse of the work of the last days
the Ld has sworn that he will gather Israel & the foundation will yet be more glorious, & they will again
build Jerusalem. when the Gentiles reject the Gospel it will be time to take it to the Israelites by & by the
a stronger connection with our God. I tell you, to have a connection with this while rather than with the throne
of the world - try to [illegible] will be trials that are placed on us remember we are not alone poor an brave are
child of Israel & our fathers I feel that we have fulfilled the command of God in building the
& shall have your chidren in the Eternal world. I desire a will while out in mission & as your girls are as
have been saved before he comes & have not we redress now make them known to the great God his
ears & open to the prayers of the Saints & the time will come we will be perfectly obliged for the trials that
we have now - this is the 1st time that I have addressed you since the Temple has been built & it may be the
last - I have desired for a long time that Priest & [illegible] Jew & Gentile may understand the principles I will say
as once did that he verily thought he was doing God service, & when his eyes were opened he felt for his
kindred & when I see that we leave now a good constitution, can shelter from the storm & when I see a dagger
thrust into the heart of the eagle - I have been ashamed when I have travelled among the crowned heads
of & have been wed of the hersn & asked where is your [illegible] protection - but who can stand
in the end. America stands in her own light, if the mormons were the only people that would suffer
it would not be so much but look as Greece & Rome, & you see the workers of ruin over which this land stands
I say they are here & my own country & my own Government will feel it - by & by it will fall on their own heads
when they have us! Aha Aha &c Europe is making capital out of American mobocracy - I rejoice this
morning & have the will of standing this day with my aged . in your midst - I rejoice ... seeing so many
of the Saints who are trying to overcome the world, keep their integrity, let us people be faithful & seek God
let us leave vengeance in the hands of the Lord & I am willing to risk my destiny with this people & where
this people lives I will live &c & we are tied by the ties the strangest in nature - I am satisfied with the cause -
as in Zion: I have been sufficiently acquainted with the Counsel to remain & sustain every man in his place -
I have tried to fulfil my mission to the best advantage - I will say that while brother stays here I feel
perfectly to coincide with my btn the 12 to give counsel. I want my Cricen's to receive his counsel & let
it be an end of controversy while he remains with us - I am a passenger in your [illegible] - these are the
feelings that I have this morning - the Lord has not forgotten his people - Zion will yet arrive & clothe
herself in her beautiful garments I feel that I have got a little glimpse of the work of the last days
the Lord has sworn that he will gather Israel & the foundation will yet be more glorious & they will again
build Jerusalem & when the Gentiles reject that Gospel it will be time to take it to the Israelites by & by the