Sunday I attended Meeting at 2 oclok at the Assembly roo[m]
prayer By John NicholsonJames G Bleak spoke 55 Min H W Nasisbit spoke 30 M. I met with the Prayer circle I
attended Meeting in the 14 ward G Q Cannon spok 40 M
W Woodruff 30 M Bothe were practical discourses
3 I met in council with the Quorum of the Twelve & their
councellors upon the subject of Councillor John W Young who
had Been Rail roading and his course had not been satisfactory
to the Presidency and Twelve we spent the whole day upon the case
~ Wednesday
4 We spent this day in council upon J W Young except met
in the Afternoon met for Prayer I received 2 letters
~ Thursday
5 We Met in the Assembly Hall to hold a Meeting
preparitory to the General Conference Met at 10 oclok
Prayer By G Q Cannon published in the Deseret News
President John Taylor spoke 20 Minuts G Q Cannon 30 m
Afternoon met in Big Tabernacle at 2 oclok prayer By J. D. T McAllisterL Snow spoke 45 Minuts upon the united
Order did not Believe in having all things common but believed
in stewardship. The House was so cold that we dismised
the Meeting to meet in the Assembly Hall in the Morning
Aprail 1, 1883
Sunday I attended Meeting at 2 oclok at the Assembly room
prayer By John NicholsonJames G Bleak spoke 55 Min
H W Naisbit spoke 30 M. I met with the Prayer Circle I
attended Meeting in the 14 ward G Q Cannon spok 40 M
W Woodruff 30 M Bothe were practical discourses
~ Monday
Monday Aprail 2 I met with J. D. T. McAllister & Bleak
in council upon Business Matters.
2 I spent the day in writing
~ Tuesday
3 [FIGURE] I met in council with the Quorum of the Twelve & their
councellors upon the subject of Councillor John W Young who
had Been Rail Roading and his course had not been satisfactory
to the Presidency and Twelve we spent the whole day upon the case
~ Wednesday
4 We spent this day in council upon J W Young except met
in the Afternoon met for Prayer I received 2 letters
~ Thursday
5 FIGURES We Met in the Assembly Hall to hold a Meeting
preparitory to the General Conference Met at 10 oclok
Prayer By G Q Cannon published in the Deseret News
President John Taylor spoke 20 Minuts G Q Cannon 30 m
Afternoon Met in Big Tabernacle at 2 oclok Prayer By
J. D. T McAllisterL Snow spoke 45 Minuts upon the united
Order did not Believe in having all things common but believed
in Stewardship. The House was so cold that we dismised
the Meeting to meet in the Assembly Hall in the Morning
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," April 1, 1883 - April 6, 1883, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025,