Br Day spoke 5 M[inutes], Br Edington 16 gave a short history
of the High Council for Salt Lake Stake John Taylor 10 m[inutes]
Afternoon prayr By Milando Pratt President John
Taylor spoke 58 M[inutes]. We held a meeting in the big
Tabernacle in the Evening. G Q Cannon spoke one
Hour & 17 Minuts clothed with much of the spirit of God
~ Monday
May 5th I received 2 letters from Sarah and
J W Crosby I wrote Letters to Sarah Sent $10 to [her]
I set apartTheadore Brandley to a Mission to the
Mennonites at Minnosota & other places Br F D Richards
ordained Wittewer a seventy and set him apart for
the same Mission. I ordained John R. Tilby to the office
of A seventy, & set him apart to go on Mission to the Sandwich Islands. My Daughter Bell came home to
day from Cottonwood quite Poorly I administered to her
& she returned. I also ordained Leonard John
Nuttall Jr to the office of seventy and set him apart
for a Mission to Great Britain I had quite an inter-
esting conversation with President Taylor upon the Iron works
~ Tuesday
6 I spent most of the day at the farm Hung two gates
drew fence posts and done some ploughing
Br Day spoke 5 Minutes, Br Edington 16 gave a short history
of the High Council for Salt Lake Stake John Taylor 10 minutes
Afternoon prayr By Milando Pratt President John
Taylor spoke 58 Minutes. We held a meeting in the big
Tabernacle in the Evening. G Q Cannon spoke one
Hour & 17 Minuts clothed with much of the spirit of God
~ Monday
May 5th FIGURES I received 2 letters from Sarah and
J W Crosby I wrote Letters to Sarah Sent $10 to her
I set apartTheadore Brandley to a Mission to the
Mennonites at Minnosota & other places Br F D Richards
ordained Wittewer a seventy and set him apart for
the same Mission. I ordained John R. Tilby to the office
of A seventy, & set him apart to go on Mission to the
Sandwich Islands. My Daughter Bell came home to
day from Cottonwood quite Poorly I administered to her
& she returned. I also ordained Leonard John
Nuttall Jr to the office of seventy and set him apart
for a Mission to Great Britain I had quite an interesting conversation with President Taylor upon the Iron works
~ Tuesday
6 I spent most of the day at the farm Hung two gates
drew fence posts and done some ploughing
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," May 4, 1884 - May 8, 1884, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 7, 2025,