The Bannock Indian Chief with several others called
upon us to day at the office and had a talk with us Br Joseph F Smith gave them an order for a sack of corn
and 300 lb of flour Br F S Richardsset apart a woman
to go on a Mission with her husband
2 I received 1 Letter I attended the conference in the afternoon Wm Taylor Prayed. The Elders made a verbal report B Young spoke 420 M[inutes], W. Woodruff spoke 5 M[inutes], J F Smith
spoke 40 M[inutes]. upon the selling their inherititens [inheritance] W Woodruff
sustained the same I Attended the young Peoples Mutual
Improvement Meeting in the Evening superintendents Male
and female made Reports. Authorities of the Institution
were sustained W Woodruff gave the closing address
4 Sunday I attended Meeting at 10 oclok C. W. Penrose
Prayed. Wm Taylor spoke upon the Money collected
for the Logan Temple W Woodruff then spoke 30 Min
The Bannock Indian Chief with several others called
upon us to day at the office and had a talk with us Br
Joseph F Smith gave them an order for a sack of corn
and 300 lb of flour Br F S Richardsset apart a woman
to go on a Mission with her husband
2 [FIGURE] I received 1 Letter I attended the conference in the afternoon
Wm Taylor Prayed. The Elders made a verbal report
B Young spoke20 Minutes, W. Woodruff spoke 5 Minutes, J F Smith
spoke 40 Minutes. upon the selling their inheritance W Woodruff
sustained the same I Attended the young Peoples Mutual
Improvement Meeting in the Evening superintendents Male
and female made Reports. Authorities of the Institution
were sustained W Woodruff gave the closing address
4 Sunday I attended Meeting at 10 oclok C. W. Penrose
Prayed. Wm Taylor spoke upon the Money collected
for the Logan Temple W Woodruff then spoke 30 Min
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," April 30, 1884 - May 4, 1884, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 1, 2025,