G. Q. Cannon followed spoke 11 M[inutes]. I attended Meeting in the Evening
at the 20 ward Meeting House & spoke one Hour
~ Monday
31 I received 2 letters from Malinda Hatch & A. S. Gibbons
I met with the Presidency and Twelve at 11 oclok to take
into consideration any business for the conference I met
with Br Nicholsons class of young men I heard some half
a dozen of the young Men speak upon the first principles
of the gospel they spoke vary well. I addressed them a short time
~ Tuesday
Aprail 1, 1884 Asahel received a vary Excellent
letter from H. S Eldridge concerning his Labor in the
coop and presented him with a purse of $100 dollars in gold
In company with F D Richards I visited Heber J Grant
And Administered to him And I feel thankful to say
He is Better to day
~ Wednesday
2Miles P Romney Arived this Morning from St John As a Messenger. The Jews Gentiles & Mexicans
have commenced Making our Brethren Jumping
our land and quite a Number of our Brethren have
been arested
I Attended Mrs Adelina Patti singing last
night in the big Tabernacle there was supposed to
be nearly 7000 people the recepts were $9950. she
is counted the greatest singer in the world
~ Thursday
3 I met with the Presidency and Twelve in council
~ Friday
4 Aprail we commenced our fifty fourth Annual con- ference to day at 10 oclok. President Taylor spok
15 M[inutes], G Teasdale 37 M[inutes], F M Lyman 26. Afternoon
Prayer By L SnowM. Thatcher spoke 30 M[inutes] A Carrington 30 m[inutes]
G. Q. Cannon followed spoke 11 Minutes. I attended Meeting in the Evening
at the 20 ward Meeting House & spoke one Hour
~ Monday
31 [FIGURE] I received 2 letters from Malinda Hatch & A. S. Gibbons
I met with the Presidency and Twelve at 11 oclok to take
into consideration any business for the conference I met
with Br Nicholsons class of young men I heard some half
a dozen of the young Men speak upon the first principles
of the gospel they spoke vary well. I addressed them a short time
~ Tuesday
Aprail 1, 1884 [FIGURE] Asahel received a vary Excellent
letter from H. S Eldridge concerning his Labor in the
coop and presented him with a purse of $100 dollars in gold
In company with F D Richards I visited Heber J Grant
And Administered to him And I feel thankful to say
He is Better to day
~ Wednesday
2 FIGURES Miles P Romney Arived this Morning from
St John As a Messenger. The Jews Gentiles & Mexicans
have commenced Making our Brethren Jumping
our land and quite a Number of our Brethren have
been arested
FIGURES I Attended Mrs Adelina Patti singing last
night in the big Tabernacle there was supposed to
be nearly 7000 people the recepts were $9950. she
is counted the greatest singer in the world
~ Thursday
3 I met with the Presidency and Twelve in council
~ Friday
4 Aprail we commenced our fifty fourth Annual conFIGURES ference to day at 10 oclok. President Taylor spok
15 Minutes, G Teasdale 37 Minutes, F M Lyman 26. Afternoon
Prayer By L SnowM. Thatcher spoke 30 Minutes A Carrington 30 minutes
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"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," March 30, 1884 - April 4, 1884, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 25, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/mqW9