June 9, 1883
We found 5 1/2 inches of snow on the ground this morning
we met in council on the organization of the stake and
agreed to organize it into a stake. we met at 10 oclok
in the New school House Prayer By J Morgan W Woodr-
uff spoke 20 minuts B Young 30, J Morgan spoke 30 M.
Afternoon Prayer By Wm Christionson Statistics read
the following is reported 9 Seventies, 9 High Priests,
60 Elders, 9 Priests, 9 ^12^ Teachers, 224 Deacons, 437 Members,
539 Officers & Members, 539 children under 8 years
944 Total souls 200 Members Absent for Employment not
reported Total for the Stake 1144. The Bishops reported
verbally their words J F Smithreported spoke 67 M
At the close of the Meeting we rode over the first Branch
of the river the north fork of the Conejos River we visited
the Mexican Settlement. we met at 6 oclok for a priesthood
Meeting. W. Woodruff spoke a few Minuts then J F Smith
spoke The Names selected for the organization of the stake
was read and unanimously voted for B Young spoke
~ Sunday
190 Sunday A Plesant Morning we Met at 10 oclok
Prayer By John Hopkins. Br Brown spoke 8 M[inutes] James Bean 14 M Richard C Camp 7 M W Woodruff 60 M
I took dinner with Bishop Daulton I administered
to his wife who was sick. We Met at 2 oclok Prayer
By Br Brown. The Authorities of the Church were then
presented & sustained sacrament Administered B Young spok
30 M John Morgan 20 M Joseph F Smith spoke 53 m
we then organized the stake and we ordained & set apartSilas S. Smith President of the stake & 2 councillors
~ Saturday
June 9, 1883
We found 5 1/2 inches of snow on the ground this morning
we met in council on the organization of the stake and
agreed to organize it into a stake. we met at 10 oclok
in the New school House Prayer By J Morgan W Woodruff spoke 20 minuts B Young 30, J Morgan spoke 30 M.
Afternoon Prayer By Wm Christionson Statistics read
the following is reported 9 Seventies, 9 High Priests,
60 Elders, 9 Priests, 12 Teachers, 24 Deacons, 437 Members,
539 Officers & Members, 539 children under 8 years
944 Total souls 200 Members Absent for Employment not
reported Total for the Stake 1144. The Bishops reported
verbally their words J F Smith spoke 67 M
At the close of the Meeting we rode over the first Branch
of the river the north fork of the Conejos River we visited
the Mexican Settlement. we met at 6 oclok for a priesthood
Meeting. W. Woodruff spoke a few Minuts then J F Smith
spoke The Names selected for the organization of the stake
was read and unanimously voted for B Young spoke
~ Sunday
10 Sunday A Plesant Morning we Met at 10 oclok
Prayer By John Hopkins. Br Brown spoke 8 Minutes
James Bean 14 M Richard C Camp 7 M W Woodruff 60 M
I took dinner with Bishop Daulton I administered
to his wife who was sick. We Met at 2 oclok Prayer
By Br Brown. The Authorities of the Church were then
presented & sustained sacrament Administered B Young spok
30 M John Morgan 20 M Joseph F Smith spoke 53 m
we then organized the stake and we ordained &
set apartSilas S. Smith President of the stake & 2 councillors
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," June 9, 1883 - June 10, 1883, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 19, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/08P5