Taylorsoffice and Presented to him what we had done but
He prefered to put it off untill G. Q. Cannon came home
and we voted to do so we Met the Priesthood in the Evening &
the financtial report of the Church was read to them & speeches made
~ Sunday
9. Sunday Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Joseph E Taylor
Authorities of the Church were then Presented and a list
of Missionaries called J F Smith spoke 60 Minutes
Afternoon prayer By E Snow. President Taylor
spoke two hours & 13 Minutes A reporter from New
Yourk world was present and corresspondent of the
London Times President Taylor spoke vary plain
and pointed upon our determination to keep the comm-
andments of God and obey the Constitutional Laws of
the Land. hI met with the Twelve and yound Men
& young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association
in the Assembly Hall at 7 oclok in the Evening and
we had a crouded House And speeches was mad[e]
By 10 of the young Men superintendents of the young Men
and 4 young Ladies followed By W Woodruff M Thatcher
& Joseph F Smith and John Henry Smith
~ Monday
10 I received 6 Letters & wrote 1 to Sarah &
sent her $10. I met the Missionaries at the Council
House and the Twelve & seventies & set apart 48
Missionaries I spent the Afternoon writing in my
Journal I attended the Theater in the Evening and heard Oscar Wild lecture upon the subject of art and Beauty
it was a vary singular lecture indeed and He seemed
a vary singular Man He spoke 50 M[inutes].
Taylorsoffice and Presented to him what we had done but
He prefered to Put it off untill G. Q. Cannon came home
and we voted to do so we Met the Priesthood in the Evening &
the financial report of the Church was read to them & speeches made
~ Sunday
9. Sunday Met at 10 oclok Prayer By Joseph E Taylor
Authorities of the Church were then Presented and a list
of Missionaries called J F Smith spoke 60 Minuts
Afternoon Prayer By E Snow. President Taylor
spoke two hours & 13 Minuts A reporter from New
Yourk world was present and correspondent of the
London Times President Taylor spoke vary plain
and pointed upon our determination to keep the commandments of God and obey the Constitutional Laws of
the Land. I met with the Twelve and Young Men
& Young Ladies Mutual Improvement Association
in the Assembly Hall at 7 oclok in the Evening and
we had a crouded House And speeches was made
By 10 of the Young Men superintendents of the Young Men
and 4 young Ladies followed By W Woodruff M Thatcher
& Joseph F Smith and John Henry Smith
~ Monday
10 FIGURES I received 6 Letters & wrote 1 to Sarah &
sent her $10. I met the Missionaries at the Council
House and the Twelve & seventies & set apart 48
Missionaries I spent the Afternoon writing in my
Journal I attended the Theater in the Evening and heard
Oscar Wild lecture upon the subject of art and Beauty
it was a vary singular lecture indeed and He seemed
a vary singular Man He spoke 50 Minutes.
Select a date to see more documents from that day.
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," April 8, 1882 - April 10, 1882, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed January 31, 2025, https://wilfordwoodruffpapers.org/p/XQlg