Sunday Met at 10. Prayer By A Stainer W Woodruff
spoke 70 M[inutes], L Farr 20. Afternoon Prayer By Wm Maugn
sacrament Administered And the Authorities of the Church
Presented and sustained Erastus Snow spoke one hour & 20 m
W Woodruff spoke 5 M. At the close of the Meeting I rode to Smithfield and held a Meeting S Roskelly spoke 25 M
& W Woodruff 30 Mi 16 Miles
10 I spent the day up smithfied Canyon I caught 8
trout & returned home tiered out
~ Saturday
11 I went to the Hay field & loaded a load of Hay
~ Sunday
12 Sunday I rode to Logan and attended meeting at 10 oclok
Prayer By John SharpJoseph F Smith spoke 55 M[inutes], G Q Cannon
40 M. Afternoon Prayer By W Woodruff sacrament Adm[inistered] John Taylor spoke 60 M, W Woodruff 10 M L J Nuttall 5.
At the closo of the Meeting I returned to Smithfield16 M[iles]
~ Monday
13 I spent Most of the day at Smithfield But in the Evening
I rode to Logan and spent the night at Br Ricks 8 Miles
~ Tuesday
14 We started at 6 oclok rode up Logan Canyon to Temple Mill
took dinner rested several hours saw the process of Making
Lumber & shingle then crossed the Mountain to Meadowville
and spent the night at Sister Christene Kimballs 40 M[iles]
Aug 5th 1883
Sunday Met at 10. Prayer By A Stainer W Woodruff
spoke 70 Minutes, L Farr 20. Afternoon Prayer By Wm Maugn
Sacrament Administered And the Authorities of the Church
Presented and sustained Erastus Snow spoke one hour & 20 m
W Woodruff spoke 5 M. At the close of the Meeting I rode to
Smithfield and held a Meeting S Roskelly spoke 25 M
& W Woodruff 30 Mi 16 Miles
10 I spent the day up smithfield Canyon I caught 8
trout & returned home tiered out
~ Saturday
11 I went to the Hay field & loaded a load of Hay
~ Sunday
12 Sunday I rode to Logan and attended meeting at 10 oclok
Prayer By John SharpJoseph F Smith spoke 55 Minutes, G Q Cannon
40 M. Afternoon Prayer By W Woodruff Sacrament Administered
John Taylor spoke 60 M, W Woodruff 10 M L J Nuttall 5
At the closo of the Meeting I returned to Smithfield16 Miles
~ Monday
13 I spent Most of the day at Smithfield But in the Evening
I rode to Logan and spent the night at Br Ricks 8 Miles
~ Tuesday
14 We started at 6 oclok rode up Logan Canyon to Temple Mill
took dinner rested several hours saw the process of Making
Lumber & shingle then crossed the Mountain to Meadowville
and spent the night at Sister Christene Kimballs 40 Miles
"Journal (February 1880 – December 1885)," August 5, 1883 - August 15, 1883, The Wilford Woodruff Papers, accessed February 10, 2025,